Heavy bleeding approaching 3rd trimester


New member
Hi. I would like to have some opinions on my situation.

Had three very heavy bleedings of bright red and blood clots bigger than a 2 euro coin: at 12 weeks, at 23+5 weeks and 25+5 weeks. First pregnancy at 31 y.o.

All followed pretty much the same pattern: out of nothing gushing of bright red liquid blood, dripping heavily for up to 6 hours. Some light cramping, dizziness, back ache in the meantime. After regular spotting and dark brown spotting for 2-3 days with occasional cramping. On the second day the blood clot would come out. After clot is out spotting and pains get rapidly less and stop within about next 30 hours.

I regularly have been spotting blood of various brightness since week 9.

Have been to the hospital three times. Have been hospitalised for 2 days.

All tests and scans are normal. No infections, No blood disorders, No hemmoroging, No abruption, No low lying placenta, All ultrasound scans all normal. All doctors refuse to test (and even see me) any further, even if I pay out of pocket in advance. My husband effectively put me on bed rest since the very first heavy bleeding.

I want to fly 3.5 hours two ways for a last vacation for just hubby and me i 2-3 weeks and I need to fly 11+ hours later at 33 weeks. I am now 26 weeks. Doctors don’t know anything and do nothing, but say: it might be dangerous because 30 mins of bleeding like you have can be deathly. But I never got help from them sooner than in 3+ hours anyway.

Any thoughts on how can I proceed with this?

Edit: I am in Germany, but now I even look at going somewhere else to have at least some answers.
@a7xcncangel I don't think anyone can answer that question, but if you're asking for opinions or perspectives, I can tell you with assurance that I would absolutely not fly given the circumstances. Many airlines won't let you fly past 28-32 weeks. Given that you have no idea why this bleeding is occurring and the severity, I would be terrified of this situation on a plane or in a country different than my own. Furthermore, if it did occur in the air and you hemmoraged it could be catastrophic. That's not a risk I would be willing to take, but everyone feels differently.

In terms of understanding why this is happening, I would urgently seek out the opinion of a different OB/ hospital if you're not satisfied with the answers you've been given thus far (although there are legitimately times where there is no comprehensive medical explanation)
@scottmcc1 yeah, I am terrified. I’ve been to 2 hospitals and 1 private practice. Been seen by 5 doctors. The thing is that Germany is not my country (I’m just a high tax payer here and now super salty about it because of this medical situation). Would love to go 11+ hours away to deliver a baby with no language barrier. I’ve read on different protocols in few other countries and Germany seems the most relaxed for this situation. So my hope is maybe go somewhere not too far where medical system is better. They even refuse to check my hormonal levels here. Or is it generally normal in EU?
@a7xcncangel I'm sorry, that sounds infuriating. If I were in your shoes, I'd find either an OB that does "Pränatal-Diagnostik" or a university medical center with a women's clinic (Universitätsklinik, Frauenklinik). Google them, call them and ask. I know that "Pränatal-Diagnostik" can be what they call an 'Igel-Leistung', which means you can pay out of pocket. Especially university medical centers will have a more diverse set of doctors, which might be helpful with the language barrier. Good luck!
@a7xcncangel I agree with the comment above. Do you live near a big German city? If yes, then that‘s where it is maybe worth it to travel and look for maternal fetal medicine practices. I live in Hamburg and work with an MFM specialist who speaks great English.
@justtrying25 I already traveled for work by plane (11+ hours), train (20+ hours), car (up to 20 hours) since I started bleeding. It didn’t seem to worsen my situation. But now I’m further along and have no answers as to why this is happening and how can I live without being a prisoner of a bed.
@a7xcncangel I am sorry for all the stress you are enduring. Personally i would not fly in your situation but i would also not do a complete bed rest unless adviced by a doctor.

I am in Portugal and i can tell you that from what i see (comparing to US ) its not that we do less because we dont care, usually they test for what is really proven to make a dif and not everything in sight "just because" . As an example, HCG in the beginning of pregnancy is measured two times just to see if doubling , in US you see women doing it for many days (and then stressing about it) many times without any medical reason.

BUT if you dont trust your OB then find someone else, its very important that you trust your Doctor. Germany is big enough for you to find someone that fits you :)
@curtis2022 Maybe in Portugal doctors take that approach. E.g. In Germany they did not test my HCG levels at all.

Any concerns I had before 24 weeks were met with: it’s too early for us to do anything. Now the approach is: some things are medical mysteries, it happens. Accept it. Live with it as is.

It’s not just my OB, it’s all doctors I’ve been in contact with. Even obvious thing like “where is my placenta” was not checked before me asking specifically.

Edit: Also bed rest I’m referring to means not being as active as before: no lifting anything, no sporting activities (which I did every day), no standing or walking for more than an hour, being still and supported by something more. These significantly helped to reduce amount of spotting I get. I lived a very active lifestyle with constant sport and travel before. Never stood still.
@a7xcncangel Experiencing the same right now, had bleeding at 29weeks, same thing happening at 31, big clots, no proper explanation but they're assuming that the bleeding is from the sensitive cervix area I have, but not sure. All clots are early in the morning continued with little spotting throughout the day.
@henryei I’m so sorry! I feel you. I have the bleeds in the night or early in the morning too. Usually blood pressure drops dramatically at the same time. Never bleed during the day. Last time I’ve been to a hospital (this Sunday night) obstetrics gave me the same “explanation” and “we don’t know what to do with you”. So I have 2 more appointments with other specialists to test autoimmune and very rare (1 in a million) blood disorder. I had slightly off normal one blood test (i got the results few days ago). Funnily, this week doctors agree that I can fly now and go on vacation just when I cancelled it.
@bicyclerepairman That’s the point: doctors said that I should resume my life as usual. The only thing to be avoided is penetrative sex. Bed rest is my husband’s idea, that did help my bleeding, but it still happens. Women in his culture usually all go on effective bed rest once pregnant.