HCG took 1 week to double between 6w4 and 7w4


New member
A bit freaked out by today's HCG draw (39DPO / 7w4 and my fifth overall - I've been going weekly since I got my positive pregnancy test since I'm working with an RE.) While the overall number is in range for 7 weeks at 58,364, my doubling time was a full week (172.8 hours). The pregnancy is measuring correctly and had a strong 153bpm heartbeat, but this doubling time seems concerning, though the nurse who gave me my results said it was fine. Before now I was always doubling appropriately for the number of weeks along I was (so every 48 or 70 hours), and of course all my searches for stories of 1 week doubling times only lead to stories of disaster. I know that the official line is that the heartbeat is more important, but it seems like a steadier rise than what I'm experiencing is also important! Has anyone had a successful outcome with this kind of slowing at 7 weeks?
@borislav I believe once it gets over a certain value it really slows the doubling. I can’t remember the value exactly but it was significantly lower than your HCG. Once you see a heartbeat than hcg doesn’t matter anyways!
@borislav Betas are essentially useless once you can get an ultrasound. It can take 96+ hours to double and since they’re not usually checked around that time there’s no real “normal” to go off of. Trust the scan!
@borislav It has more to do with how high your numbers are than how far along. Mine was almost 120 hours doubling within the same range as yours and also had a healthy heartbeat of 148. Currently 13 weeks. Hoping baby keeps growing strong for you!
@borislav I remember being super freaked out when I had a 7 week HCG draw because it didn’t double and should have been a lot higher from my last draw! (I did IVF so my RE took regular HCG draws.) I texted my best friend and said, jokingly, well at least I know my embryo didn’t split and it’s not twins! Wrong! My HCG didn’t double but yet I DID have a split embryo with two healthy babies. I’m now 20 weeks. (Although one twin passed at almost 12 weeks, it had nothing to do with my HCG!) You can rest easy for now and enjoy the fact that you’re pregnant and things look great!