HCG not doubling


New member
I'm just a mess. After 2 years of trying,
3 Chemicals and 1 MMC at 6 weeks, unexplained infertility, I just don't know what to think.

Here are my 7 HCG results:

March 28th: 32.1 (approx. 15 DPO)

April 1st: 90.6

April 3rd: 202.8

April 5th: 485

April 8th: 923.5 (not quite doubling in 72 hrs).

April 10th: 1437 (54% in 48 hrs)

April 12th: 2196 (55% in 48 hrs - approx. 6 weeks 2 days)

Also, 2196 HCG seems low for 6 weeks 2 days. I kind of know when I ovulated because we triggered before timed intercourse.

Doctor will finally give me an ultrasound in a week. Is there hope?
@triceratops I think you really need to stop monitoring this - it does NOT need to double, and the actual number doesn’t matter. It just needs to increase.

I had 3 pregnancies, 2 healthy babies.

HCG for my 2 successful pregnancies was ‘low’ and one didn’t double. My doc didn’t even want to test for HCG with my second, I had to push for it.

My miscarriage, high numbers and doubled beautifully… until it didn’t.

I say this with kindness and understanding - STOP and just remember, YOURE PREGNANT NOW x
@sunsetrose Thank you for responding! My fertility doctor is the one who keeps testing my HCG. She said she wanted to keep testing until I reach a number that can be seen on an ultrasound (2000+). Trust me, I would totally stop testing because it’s driving me nuts! Haha! But you’re so right. My MMC HCG was high and doubling, but wasn’t successful. Thank you for sharing your story - gives me hope!
@ksg9109 I went in for my first ultrasound. Baby measured 6W5D, heart rate 143. A week later, ultrasound showed little baby grew on target, 7W5D and heart rate at 165. I have another ultrasound next week. I’m seeing a fertility doctor so I get the extra ultrasounds. It’s totally normal for us mamas to be scared. 💜
@triceratops There’s always hope if you’re not bleeding. And it is increasing, maybe just a slow rise. Fingers crossed for a beautiful, strong heart beat with an ultrasound next week.
@triceratops That sounds similar to when I had a blighted ovum pregnancy, I’m sorry. Have you had your thyroid tested to make sure it’s below 2.5? Not just in the normal range, but in that much lower range needed to get and stay pregnant? Asking as I had four losses and unexplained infertility. Fertility clinic tested my thyroid but didn’t actually treat it, I had no idea it was an issue til I switched to a new clinic and they immediately put me on medication. My previous OBs and family doctor all knew my history, knew I was borderline for my thyroid, and no one said or did anything. I had no idea.