Have I O'd?


New member
I am somewhat confused. This is my first month charting my bbt using FF. I was previously using the Ovia app.

I had EWCM Sunday, Monday, and some yesterday (Tuesday) of this week. We didn't get to BD all weekend and finally did last night (Tuesday) . I am hoping we didn't miss O! I have taken a bunch of ovulation tests starting last Friday. I should have used them sooner, but I am not used to getting a positive until CD 17/18. I did have some weird pain next to my belly button for a few hours last night. I don't think I have ever gotten that before. Not sure if that was me O'ing.

Last month I had a positive opk on CD 17,18,19.

Here is a link to my chart: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/4ad644 can anyone decipher that? Like I said I am new at charting my bbt so I don't quite understand. I thought after O it was supposed to be high and stay high for a while.
@joshuabell Mine dipped for a few days just before I O'd, it could be that you are about to but haven't yet.

Have you been using OPKs this cycle? It doesn't look like you have O'd yet imo, you could be slightly late in O'ing this month.

Also from what I know, that weird pain you described, I'm not sure what that would be - but in my experience O pain is a lot lower and to one side where you ovaries lay (you usually O from just one side)

I think you are in your fertile period leading up to O though, judging from your CM, so BD away! :)
@lovingsheep429 Ok Good, I was getting worried! I have a 31 day cycle, and usually get a +OPK around CD 17/18. I am not sure if that's even long enough for implantation. I usually get O pain lower on one of the sides so the belly button thing was weird.

Thanks so much for your reply. I get so nervous sometimes that I missed my fertile period. Really need to start SMEP! I've been trying but it's hard!
@joshuabell Oops I meant to reply to this but I'm at work and closed the tab! Anyway was going to say, that means you have 13/14 day long LP which is plenty enough to implant :) yeah SMEP is exhausting! I tried to last cycle but decided to take it a bit easier for this one.
@lovingsheep429 I have tested with opk's the last four days and they are all negative. Although I tried a wondfo one this afternoon and it was darker than my past ones. I followed up with a first response branded opk and it was negative. Usually I get a few days positive opk's before I ovulate. Hoping I'm ovulating this month!
@joshuabell Hmm this time I only got 1 or 2 definite +OPKs, and a smiley face one morning, I must have short surges! I don't want to sound patronising, I hope it doesn't come across like I am, but are you making sure the test line is as dark as/darker than the control before you mark as positive? Just wanna rule out anything that I'm not getting :)
@lovingsheep429 Usually I test with the wondfo and if it looks decently dark or if I can't tell I use a first response to verify with a smiley face. I think they are first response anyway maybe they are clearblue? I don't mark anything as positive until I see a smiley face. I read that when the test line gets darker it means you are closer to getting a positive. Don't worry you don't sound patronizing! I will test today after work and see what happens!
@joshuabell The smiley face is the clear blue brand, I use those, and yeah I don't mark as positive until I get the smiley either, you know for sure with those :)

Fingers crossed you get the smiley after work!
@lovingsheep429 Good news! I got a +OPK when I got home! Literally said "FINALLY" out loud! Thanks for your support today! Here are some pics...sorry about my dirty counter.
Wondering why my CM is basically nonexistent. It was flowing like crazy a few days ago. I actually gave in and am trying the Mucinex with only the gaufenisin in it. I will see what happens.
@joshuabell Yay! Love seeing that smiley face :D

Yeah my CM hasn't been that great this time around, last cycle I had loads of EWCM around O and we timed it perfectly and no BFP, so I don't think it's the only thing you should rely on, that smiley face knows what's up so get to BDing :D