Got my 7 pound diploma today


New member

I’m typing this as I’m basking in some skin to skin time with my first born son, Jack. It’s basically like tripping mushrooms and I never want this feeling to end.

26 hours ago my wife yelled “Honey!” From upstairs and I knew immediately it was go time. Her water spontaneously broke at 39 weeks plus 3 days. When I say it broke, I mean it was like the movies, my guys.

We jump into action mode and thankfully we were prepared, eventually make our way to the hospital and get checked in to confirm she hadn’t just pissed herself, which we knew she hadn’t.

Serie A Soccer was on the tv in our first exam room which was dope and a welcome distraction from my wife getting probed.

She was dilated only 1 cm and like 50% effaced. We were admitted.

We make clear that we want to try hard to do this with minimal intervention and for the first couple hours we are on a low, low dose of petocin to help gets her moving in the right direction. It was boring. We watched Big Daddy (topical and classic) and then 9 innings of baseball.

Probably about 9:30 she starts to feel contractions for the first time. By that, I mean she couldn’t ignore them. We were pausing to address them every 7 minutes or so. Not horrible but super uncomfortable.

Nurse has been very cash money the whole time. Attentive but not hovering too much. Then the clock hits 10.

We’d been ramping up picosin little by little over the course of the evening and at 10 it began to take effect. Unfortunately my wife just wasn’t dilating. Contractions continued to increase with occasion and intensity.

She was straight up not having a good time.

1 am. Nothing. 2 am. Nothing. 3 am. More nothing. 4 am. Barely any increase in dilation. My poor wife can’t speak, can’t move, can barely breathe. Finally she asked for the epidural.

45 excruciating minutes later she’s got the needle and the pain begins to subside. Unfortunately, she still just won’t dilate.

We manage to catch a little sleep now that the pain is gone but we get woken up by the on call OB and nurse a couple times to check her lack of progress.

At like 6:30 my wife’s actual OB calls for an update and when she hears the news she books it to the hospital. The baby is turned in such a way that the head is pressing the cervix all wrong and that pressure is a) preventing dilation and b) probably (according to the Dr.) causing cervical swelling which would definitely impede a vaginal delivery. So 7:30 am this morning rolls around and I’m gowned up holding my wife’s hand as she’s getting cut open so we can finally meet this little cuss she’s been toting around while dodging a virus with for all of 2020.

The C Section went quickly. Like scary quick. My wife was incredible for the whole labor but that last bit of strength during surgery was a sight to behold. She’s the strongest perso. I’ve ever encountered first hand and I’m trying hard not to be hyperbolic.

So much grit, determination and resolve. She was on a fucking mission fellas.

Anyway, Seeing my boy come around the other side of the that blanket. Hearing him cry before seeing his face. Seeing the look of relief and overwhelming exhaustion on my wife’s face was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.

Everyone is happy and healthy now. I’m the proudest dude in this hospital and I can’t wait to show off this kid and brag on my wife to anyone who will listen.

I’m also so stoked for all of you first timers lurking this sub. Obviously 90% of the content here are graduation posts, which I love. But I wanted to write up my experience over the last day and a half to give some insight to you dudes who don’t k ow what you’re getting into.

All our stories will be different so giving advise would be meaningless but I can say that whatever you’re expecting your graduation day to look like...throw that away and just be in the moment. The payoff is absolutely unlike anything you will ever experience.

@mended Nurse was very cash money 😂 loved this whole description and story. Congrats!! Don’t have littles yet so I guess I’ll just have to trip regular mushrooms until I’m blessed with the opportunity.
@mended Congratulations.

Quick question from a first time dad to be.

How did you handled seeing your wife scream, wail and yell in pain, the anxiety that comes after learning about the upcoming c-section?

I’m thinking that would scare me off from putting her through such ordeals in the future.

Ps: My wife is due in October and I’m getting nervous even as we are about crossing into the 30wks mark.
@repent4sins Yeah, so, as for the labor pains and screaming, there is a hunker down vibe. It was basically making yourself available for a hand yo hold, or yo rub her back. But basically she’s going to be running on 98 octane adrenaline so you’re just along for the ride. You have to feel out what she wants/ needs from you by being attentive.

For us, the C section decision was thrust on us very quickly but I just reminded her that this was the best way for us to safely get our son in her arms. Then she was whisked off to prep and I didn’t see her again until seconds before they cut her open. That part happens quick too.

Overwhelmingly though, the staff did a great job of normalizing everything for us. They were calm and cool about everything happening which gave the sense that everything was going to be ok. If that makes sense.

Congrats and best of luck!
@virginiaadorno For me, it was that overwhelming sense of immediate connection to him. Instantaneous, unconditional love for a human that, the moment prior, didn’t exist in my world. That reminded me of tripping where you get overwhelmed because you lack the bandwidth to process the emotion that are flowing in and out of you.

Then, that first skin to skin touch was like an actual dose. I had never felt such a warmth before. It felt like the world around him and me was pulsing with vibration while we were both perfectly still.

Finally, There were two moments when my eyes settled on my kid laying asleep on my wife and it felt like like when that high first hits. Immediate emotional overload in the best kind of way.

I hope that answers the question!

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