Gift ideas for busy mom of young children?

@gigatt18 If you don’t want to add to the clutter, get a gift that will be “consumed”.

Is there a band she likes, comedian, sporting event, mystery dinner theater, etc.? My all time favorite gift was tickets to a group I’ve loved for years. Part of the gift was babysitting, and cocktails beforehand. Babysitting around here was super expensive, and I could never really justify spending $100 for a sitter, $100 for dinner, and $100 for tickets. We had so many bills to pay! The days of disposable income were over. Plus, we had no local family, and I wasn’t entirely comfortable letting even a well vetted stranger watch my kid.

This was perfect though. The friend who gave the gift came from over an hour away to watch the kid. She planned it all when she bought the tickets.

It was the perfect gift - a guilt free, worry free, night to enjoy a fun time.
@gigatt18 Agree with all the comments about a deep clean. If her home seems to invasive, you could clean her car really well for her (or pay someone else to do it!)