Gift ideas for busy mom of young children?


New member
What can I gift a friend who has 5 kids under 10? She's incredibly busy and I feel like she never has a minute for herself, so anything I get her would just (a) add to the clutter and (b) make her sad that she doesn't have time to use it. Any ideas?
@alvaroc That she can hide as her special stash

Side note - you can include in the card some cute note about how she can tell the kids they are allergic to them or to hide them, that it is ok for her to not share
@gigatt18 Depends on your budget. You could offer to babysit and gift a facial or massage. You could offer to babysit and give her a half day off. You could pay for a house cleaner for a deep clean.
@gigatt18 Meal delivery, babysitting (literally even for two hours would be life changing for me lol), Starbucks gift cards, cleaning service, things to make cleaning easier, etc.

If you want HER to feel good about her, offer to babysit and pay for like a simple manicure or pedicure. I WOULD LITERALLY SOB IF SOMEONE DID THAT FOR ME.
@enchanteddjsnj Totally agree. Sometimes it's nice to be treated like you still have a personality, aside from being a mom. Of course you may have changed a good bit since the pre-kid days, but I bet there is still something that you miss from back then.
@gigatt18 Nice bouquet of flowers, gift card for a spa (massage, facial, mani/pedi, whatever), gift card for a meal delivery service, gift card to a coffee shop, gift card for a cleaning service, nice chocolate or cookies

Giver her a gift card for a local spa hotel if you're feeling really generous. :D
@gigatt18 Offer to pick up her groceries. She could use one of the online store orders.
It would save her time and money if she uses something like doordash.

I can't imagine trying to grocery shop with 5 kids in tow. Or even loading them up just to run and pick up supplies.
And you cant fit enough food for 5 kids in a car with the kids in the car too. Lol