gDiapers... Am I just an idiot?


New member
Ok, so we've been cloth diapering our 18 month-old pretty much from birth: first with prefolds/covers and then with BumGenius Freetimes (LOVE these!). We're expecting baby girl #2 in July, so when I ran across a box full of cloth diaper stuff at a garage sale for $5, I quickly scooped it up! It was definitely worth it just for the 10 prefolds and a few brand new BumGenuis doublers... So now that we're getting ready for #2, I'm looking through the box again and it has 11 newborn gDiapers and a bunch the next size up - perfect for supplementing our stash until our oldest is potty-trained! But really I'm trying to figure out the gDiapers and there's one thing that boggles my mind: why does it seem like you put them on backwards from any other diaper I've seen?? Do people really flip their babies over onto their tummies to fasten the velcro? Maybe I'm just over-thinking this.
Thanks for the feedback and ideas! I think it's a bit silly to have the newborn ones velcro in the back (they won't be pulling them off!), but we'll make do since we got such a great deal! :)
@roseonathorn Yeah, you roll the baby a bit on each side as you fasten. It confused me too but it's not difficult when you're actually doing it. Those newborn ones are teensy, by the way - my son was never able to wear them. Granted he was 10 lbs at birth so that's why. I really liked the small gdiapers on him for the first couple months, though - we used them for the same reason, my oldest was still in the one-size diapers for a couple months after his brother was born.
@roseonathorn fwiw, they still work if you put them on "backwards". Depending on the fit they might pinch a little awkwardly on the hip so make sure it's not doing that, but if you're putting a onesie over top (or snug pants) there's little danger of the kid getting them undone.
@roseonathorn I used newborn gdiapers with my son. They worked and I did like the fact this it was an ai2 system and trimmer than some other "newborn" diapers. That being said I will be buying more newborn diapers for my next so I have more and because if I could I would get a whole new stash. The Velcro on the back wasn't an issue for us, in one swift move we could pick up his butt and place the Velcro on the back. My husband did a better job at getting a good fit with gdiapers than any other diaper we have now(which include like 10+ different brands). But that's my husband and he still can't figure basic diapering hahaha

Also the size small gdiapers were a great transition to one size diapers, my son is skinny and has always been (still fits into thirsties and applecheeks size 1 at a year old.) so having a middle ground diaper was great for us.

With all this being said, it's great to have back up diapers. And I wish you the best of luck with your baby girl!!:)
Edit:somehow thought you said you were having twins haha
@roseonathorn Never used them, but I looked them up and it looks backwards indeed. That's the main reason I'm selling my GroVia AIOs...fastening them is backwards and it pisses me off so I gave up haha.