GD Diagnosis

@requiredname Thank you for being so open and sharing. I have type 2 diabetes and also take metformin. I will try taking inositol. I don’t have PCOS. They said something like early stages with some cysts on one ovary. Hope it works out for me too. I’ve already had one D&C and blood transfusions as my endometrium was very thick and bleeding wouldn’t stop. So scary.
@silvershadow I was diagnosed at 8 weeks. I have PCOS as well so my A1C was 5.9. I started with just diet but went on insulin around 14 weeks. I’m now 26 weeks so we will see how baby turns out but so far he’s healthy.
@silvershadow Pre pregnancy i had insulin resistance and pcos, but also recent blood tests so we were able to see that as soon as i got pregnant my levels shot right up. I was already eating close to the GD diet and at the gym 5x a week so diet and exercise wasnt enough to get levels down.

I was on insulin from 8 weeks, the endo advised me in the first appt that because im starting so early ill probs be on a high dose by the end. OB also told me it would likely mean i need an induction. I ended up staying on the same low doses for fasting and meals almost my entire pregnancy. Fasting went up 8 units in the last month but my meal time stayed at 4-6 units.

I felt fine, i found the diet less restrictive than how i ate prior to pregnancy. Baby measured big but she was proportionate so more likely just a genetically big baby. Shes 14w now and 70th percentile for length, plus her dad is tall as well.

I ended up getting induced at 37+6 and that ended in emergency csection because i failed to progress and she did not drop/engage. Ive also had my pp gtt and follow up appt and im back in the normal range which is lower than pre pregnancy level
@silvershadow Almost the same story! I tested early because of my PCOS. I’m controlled with metformin and diet right now. If you want to try metformin you could give it a shot, but I was taking it pre-pregnancy so I didn’t have to deal with side effects. Besides extra testing 2x a week no real issues! Baby is doing fine! I am planned to be induced at 39 weeks, which is the only thing. I could probably push back on it if I wanted to, but I have a feeling I’m going to go into labor early anyway, so I don’t really mind. (No real evidence for this I just feel it. Haha)
@silvershadow Tested early due to my BMI. Diagnosed at 12 weeks. Diet controlled until 20 weeks I got overnight insulin for minor elevated fasting numbers. Started at 6 units overnight. Went up to 10 units and remained at 10 units until 36 weeks then got bumped to 12 units overnight. Remained diet controlled after meals my entire pregnancy...being induced in a few days at 39 weeks. Goodluck 👍
@silvershadow I tested at 24 weeks last time but never got my 3 hr done and diagnosed until 30 weeks because Covid started which delayed starting insulin and I had a macrosomic baby. Fortunately she had no glucose issues after birth but the delay in treatment had a huge impact. I had a C-section because her head and shoulders were large. I also have PCOS but normally I am not diabetic. I’ve been tested many times after pregnancy. 5’8” and 295 lbs for reference.

Started testing early this time and went on insulin at 12 weeks due to impaired fasting glucose. I’ve never been able to manage with diet and exercise alone. My only advice is to just do what your care team suggests. If they suggest insulin, it’s not a huge deal. I feel like so many people get hung up on wanting to be diet control only and it delays appropriate treatment which just causes issues. I’ve had a freestyle libre CGM this time and it’s been a game changer too.

Also edit to add, the early diagnosis has allowed much more optimized risk management this pregnancy. I am taking aspirin as preeclampsia prevention, and normally my blood pressure is 120s over low 90s but because of the diabetes we started a low dose of nifedipine to optimize my blood pressure as well. Lots of effort being taken to keep the baby as safe as possible. Also will be doing BPPs and NSTs in the third trimester which we did not do last pregnancy since it was a fairly panicked diagnosis.