GD Diagnosis


New member
Hello! Has anyone here been diagnosed with gestational diabetes early into their pregnancy? I'm 13 weeks 4 days with my first pregnancy and I just got diagnosed today. For reference I'm 33 y/o, 5'5 and weigh 322 lbs (according to last check up) with PCOS. I guess my questions are: were you able to manage the diabetes through diet and exercise alone? How did you feel throughout it? Was the baby impacted in any way? I appreciate the help so much!
@silvershadow I was. I started insulin soon after as after they reviewed my food intake, there weren't any changes to make. Insulin helped so so much, while I hated injecting 5x a day and testing 6x a day, it kept my baby safe and healthy and he had no blood sugar issues after birth
@silvershadow No problem. Honestly try not to stress too much, no amount of stress will remove the diabetes. Even if you end up taking insulin, I promise it's less of a big deal than you think. And it's not a failure. I know it can feel that way because of all the social messaging around weight, diabetes and insulin, but honestly fuck that noise. You're going to have a healthy baby and the doctors will help. That's all there should be to it. I know it's hard to think that way, believe me, I know... But having gone through it, if only I could have told myself this in the beginning too.