Free E-books in Other Languages


New member
Having read every book in our home frontwards and backwards at least 500 times, we've turned to e-books. We've found some good options, but I'd love to find more! We read in English, French and Italian. My kids are 4 and 5.

Here are some resources I've found for e-books in non-English languages:
However, I'm having trouble finding anything similar in Italian. There are a handful of e-books on each of the sites I mentioned. Websites recommended by Italian relatives have led me down rabbit holes to spam, extortionate offers, and weird cartoons with questionable messages. We have virtual story time with Nonna and Nonno (I share my screen with an e-book in Italian) and I'd love to find more stories.

If anyone has other suggestions for non-English kids' e-books, drop them below for everyone's benefit!
@pastorken86 Thank you so much!

I bookmarked the Fiabe, and will definitely listen to them.

The first link didn't seem to have any picture books for smaller kids, but is definitely of interest to me! I'd love to find books with pictures and text on each page, so I can share my screen and their grandparents can read to them (they have also requested large print, but that might be a tall order!).

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