Formula Amount & Preterm Babies Question


New member
I’m not sure if anyone will have the answer for this (but hopefully someone has found out previously and can answer!).
Especially since everything online just gives you the same handful of ‘blanket’ answers - assuming that clearly you just mean X, Y & Z (despite your actual question having significant amounts of nuance and variation at times)

My wife and I currently have identical twins that were born about 9 weeks ago.
They were born at 35-6, and at healthy weights (5.11lbs & 6.9lbs).
The hospital did f* all to inform us of anything, other then ‘here are your two babies, good luck!’
So we’ve been feeding them based off of the universal chart of ‘X weeks/months old = Y oz’s of formula. ‘

So at the moment, we’re feeding them 5-6 oz’s a time - which is the recommended range for 9 week old babies.
I started suspecting that we may be over feeding them, due to excess spit up - excessive gas and abdominal discomfort.
(Over the last month)

And no - they will literally eat themselves sick, so this whole ‘self regulation’ thing…is yet again, another blanket term.

I’m wondering if we should have been following the ‘corrected’ age, I.E. 4-5 weeks versus their actual age of 9 weeks, when it comes to formula feeding.
And that we may have created the habit of over eating/stretched their stomachs out, so they’re no longer satisfied by normal amounts of food.

Does anyone know anything regarding this with late terms that are healthy weights, etc?
Or could link me to some information?

Thank you!
@christine19 I think it's more based on weight than age. Every baby is different. I stressed in the beginning because my baby was not eating the suggested amount for his age, but he was gaining weight and his pediatrician is good with where he's at. He was born at 34+5. He only takes 4oz every 3 hours and won't take any more. I think it's also about the total formula intake for the day. I've read that they should be taking between 2oz and 2.5oz per pound of body weight.