For a split second, I thought my 4 y/o was gonna get my ass kicked today


New member
I took my 4 y/o daughter to lunch today at a local burger joint. When we got there, the place was packed but there was room on their deck/outdoor patio that looks over the parking lot. We grab a table and we're waiting for our food when this big (and I mean big) guy on a motorcycle pulls up. This guy looks like he takes no shit. After coming to a stop, he somehow fails to put down his kickstand and lays the bike down in the parking lot. Another guy from the patio goes to help him stand it up, and he enters the restaurant.

Like I said, the restaurant was packed, so the biker comes to the patio to grab the only table in the whole place. When he walks by, my daughter says, "I think you need training wheels." I about died, and after spitting my coke back into my cup, I prepared to apologize for my 4 y/o to a man who looked like he could pummel me into another dimension.

Instead, he laughed and said, "I think you're right, sweetheart." The whole patio erupted in laughter. Later, he had a slice of pie sent to our table for us. It all turned out to be a memorable story we'll probably laugh about for years.
@sampaul Big dirty leather clad chuckles and smiles. Way to go, baby girl. Way to go.

I love letting kids sit on my bike while their parents take pictures. 99% of riders/bikers are good people with big hearts.

Thank you for posting this. A good way to wrap up the week.
@nicolakirwan There's a group of bikers in my area the regularly do rides for children's charities,cancer rides etc. I love those guys, they even sat in the court room supporting my kid, who they didn't even know, as she faced her abuser. Fuck stereotypes about bikers.
@pgooch That is awesome…As long as they are against actual child abuse and not fantasy qanon-style conspiracy theory child abuse…sad we have to consider that these days.

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