Food poisoning, will baby be ok?? :((


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Hello everyone! I’ve had a nasty case of food poisoning, and I was wondering if baby will be okay? I am 8w 5d, and I’ve been throwing up a bunch/feeling nauseous. I’m able to keep liquids down now, I’m not running a fever, but my main concern is if it’s possible for bacteria to be passed from me to baby and cause something tragic like a miscarriage. I’ve read online that it’s possible, but I’m not sure if that only happens in cases of listeria or botulism. I called my OB and they can’t check on baby for another 5 weeks, so the thought of not knowing how baby is for that long drives me insane. Have y’all had experience with food poisoning and everything turned out okay?
@stevelovesjesus I haven’t had any personal experience, but my sisters obstetrician - extremely experienced - said that food poisoning harming the baby is an extremely negligible risk. Thinking of you and hoping you get good news asap
@stevelovesjesus I had salmonella at 12 weeks pregnant. I pretty much vomited up all my stomach contents and then some and barely went 10 mins without a bout of either vomiting or diarrhea. Went to the ER for an ultrasound because I’m a very anxious person and the baby looked perfect and looked great on ultrasound at my following appointment later that week! My OB (who specializes in high risk pregnancies) told me food poisoning shouldn’t affect the baby at all. You can get a fetal ultrasound in the ER for peace of mind but I’m hoping my story is reassuring! I know it’s hard, but please try not to listen to Dr. Google!
@meadows That makes me feel much better! I’m glad you and baby were ok, I certainly didn’t have anything as severe as you. You’re right, Dr. Google is NOT the place to go for reassurance and reasonable diagnosis.
@stevelovesjesus I’m glad you feel better! The first trimester and any time before kicks/a bump is really scary! I felt the same way. But yeah you’d be amazed at some of the wild diseases I or my baby have had according to Dr. Google 😂😂😂
@stevelovesjesus Are you certain it’s food poisoning? My morning sickness got so bad around that same time that I literally thought I had food poisoning but all my tests were negative and I never had a fever they said it was my morning sickness and it continued on for a while (both ends like 20x a day)

Edit: baby was fine

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