Floor bed question


New member
Ok this might be a dumb question but I am very sleep deprived. Our 9 month old has a floor bed and moved into her own room about 2 months ago. Bedtime is 7pm, we get her up at about 6:30am to go to the babysitter’s house, and she usually wakes up around midnight for a bottle. But lately she is also waking up at 4/5am and she’s not hungry, she just wants to play in her room. I know the point of the floor bed is to basically let her have some control over whether she’s in bed or out of bed in her room, but the problem is we wake up from hearing her on the baby monitor. We have been getting up and sitting in her room with her during these times, but I feel like maybe this isn’t necessary…so then what do we do as far as sleeping? I don’t want to turn the baby monitor off, but we also can’t sleep while listening to her party in her room… what do y’all do in these situations?