First time pregnant- NIPT all clear


New member
I just want to share good news, as I had been stressing over NIPT results due to my age (37 years old, will turn 38 two months after delivery).
My tests came back all clear! The NT scan was perfect! It really reassured me. My doctor told me my risks based on age were statistically 1:161.
And after scan + blood test it’s down to 1:3283 !!
I live in Quebec, Canada. And I’m 13w2d.
@sofarfromfaze Congrats. Thanks for sharing those stats. I’m 40 years old and 19 weeks… my nipt / nt were also both clear and it was a huge releif! Now worrying about anatomy scan coming up this Friday but those stats make me feel a bit better.
@maxmilanus Amazing !! I was stressing out for chemical pregnancy, then I was anticipating a blighted ovum before my first scan. Then miscarriage. Then the NIPT results.

I told myself I wouldn’t allow myself to go further with this!! Hopefully it will stop here!!
@kimos We stress a lot about our age but there’s still very minimal chances at 40!! I’ll probably be around 40 as well and for my second !

I cant help but think there must be some other factors than the mother’s age..!
@sofarfromfaze Same and all clear! I just got the results yesterday (more than a week earlier than expected!). It’s such a relief! I hope we can all kick the scary stats to the curb to enjoy our pregnancies with less stress.

Are you also due in October? I’ve been trying to get into the October bumpers group for over a month. My due date group was so great when I was pregnant with my first baby.
@micah1 The babybumps subreddit has private groups for babies due every month/year. Usually, you just request to join with your due date and someone lets you in. Apparently something weird is going on with the October 2024 group, maybe the mods left ?
It’s r/BabyDueOct2024
@sofarfromfaze Congratulations!! I’m 38 (will be 39 when I deliver) and am in the dreaded waiting period for NIPT results. It’s so reassuring to hear the positive news from others though!! Praying we all have happy healthy babies ❤️
@micah1 I’m sure you’ll be fine ! We tend to go into this anxious spiral but the chances are still so low even at our age! My numbers show that my current risks after the tests are like before than the odds for a 20 year old!