First holiday alone


New member
Hi, it’s my first holiday alone with my 7 month. I never thought we’d be here and it’s so hard not being able to be with my family due to custody battle. I couldn’t travel and somehow still miss my ex despite knowing this is what’s best. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!
@birddseedd It’s our first Christmas alone, our first holiday alone was Halloween. My LO is 22 months. My family actually decided to go out to a local event tonight, but I stayed home because they were planning to be out late and it’s really cold. It’s been lonely. I don’t have advice but I can offer solidarity. Happy to chat if you’d like!
@birddseedd I know you feel alone, but you’re not. There are lots of people who are going through the same thing or who have gone through it. My 2 yr old is with her father tonight and I’m alone for the first time on Christmas. So I get it. Sending hugs. And remember, it won’t always be like this. It will get better. That’s what I tell myself.
@birddseedd holidays as a single parent is hard. I felt like EVERYONE was looking at me.. never fun.

we have lots more fun now, and the kids also have great holidays with their mum.