First Chemical Pregnancy Miscarriage; Concerned about low PdG/E3G levels…


New member
I found out I was pregnant with a faint line this past Saturday over Labor Day weekend, I kept testing to confirm every day this weekend and finally decided to tell my husband on Monday. We have been trying for about three months and I really had no hope for this month, because I had an accident the day after my predicted ovulation so we were only able to do it once before I broke my arm and had surgery. The pregnancy was definitely an unexpected surprise and we were both thrilled and a bit scared naturally since this would’ve been our first. I was exactly 4 weeks when I tested positive.

I was already starting to feel nauseous and tired over the weekend, then Tuesday morning I felt nothing except for mild cramps followed by some spotting. I was immediately concerned and made an appointment with my OB/GYN the same afternoon. She did a sonogram but was unable to see a sac, but did say that she noticed some thickening of my uterine lining, which was an indication for miscarriage especially since I was spotting/bleeding. We also did a hCG and progesterone blood test to see what my levels were, and we were supposed to repeated in two more days to compare the results. The same afternoon I started bleeding more, the cramping was persistent throughout the day, by evening I saw blood clots and that’s when I knew i had a CP. I felt devastated. Wednesday morning my doctor confirmed I was having a chemical pregnancy because my hCG and progesterone levels were extremely low for 4 1/2 weeks and told me my period would likely start soon. I’m basically having my period now.

I’ve been reading a lot more about chemical pregnancies because I didn’t know what they were and now I realize how common it is. I sympathize with all the women who have gone through this experience, especially those who have had multiple chemical pregnancies in a row before successfully conceiving. This experience was definitely eye-opening for me, and will definitely contain my excitement next time in the early weeks of a positive test to avoid feeling the sadness and devastation I did this time.

By now I’ve come to terms with what happened and I’m focusing on the positive, which is that we’re both capable of conceiving naturally and that my fertility tracking system works. So we’ll just need to rinse and repeat and do it again. My doctor said I can try again immediately the following cycle, so that’s what I’ll do.

I do have one concern and I wanted to get some insight from this group. I track my fertility using Mira. My progesterone and estrogen levels tend to trend on the lower side. Besides a few progesterone spikes after conception, on average my progesterone levels throughout my cycle is anywhere between 1 and 1.5 consistently. And with estrogen, except for a small few spikes during my fertility window, on average, it stays between 20-50 consistently. I had read that low progesterone especially can cause miscarriages because it is such an important hormone for embryo/baby development. I wonder if anyone has had similar experiences with low progesterone levels when trying to conceive? I am going to bring it up to my OB/GYN as well, but thought I’d get some insight here at the same time.

Thanks everyone! ♥️
@vespersk98 Doctors aren’t entirely sure yet if low progesterone causes the miscarriage or the embryo isn’t producing enough HCG to trigger high progesterone production. This is because even with supplemental progesterone they have found that they cannot prevent the miscarriage. My first pregnancy was a chemical. It was really heartbreaking. (This month) hang in there, after your hormones settle youll be able to process more. Do reach out to close people and let them know whats going on. And there is a reddit for trying to conceive after loss. I’ve found it helpful.
@totallyfind Thank you so much for your kind words and insight ♥️ I’ve felt so much love and support from the family and friends I’m close with, it’s unfortunate most people don’t talk much about CPs and miscarriages. Looking forward to this new cycle 🤞🏻