Finding a carrier baby likes


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I have multiple carriers that were all hand-me-downs. Our 7 week old will only contact nap so we are trying to find a carrier he likes. So far we tried the moby (getting the fit right was hard and he screamed both times we tried!), k’tan (again he screamed!), original baby bjorn (he liked when I went for a walk with it (constant movement) but has cried multiple times when just doing stuff aprons the house). We still have the Tula ready to grow and ergo baby with infant insert we haven’t tried yet. For a tiny baby (only 9.5lbs at 7 weeks) which would you recommend for the purpose being constant naps while I get stuff done around the house?
@nhuluong When getting baby used to carriers, they will cry a bit when you first put them it, try bouncing, walking around, going outside. Sometimes it takes 15 mins for them to settle. Stretchy wraps, woven wraps and ring slings are usually recommended for newborns, but they all have a bit of a learning curve, practice makes perfect! The Tula ftg is worth a shot to try out, you LO ‘might’ still be alittle too small. I’d stay away from the baby bjorn.
@katrina2017 Thanks! I’ve seen posts to stay away from baby bjorn, but why? We used one for my son (granted 9 years ago) and he loved it - now a super active, athletic boy. And what’s the best age for the Tula? For the wrap, what’s the best way to get used to it? He honestly screamed like we were murdering him!
@nhuluong The baby Bjorn original carrier does not have good ergonomics for the parents or babies. In particular it doesn't keep the babies legs in the M shape position which can lead to hip issues and it is uncomfortable for the baby (imagine hanging by your underwear vs sitting in a chair).

Both my kids took 10-15 min to settle in the carrier when we first started. Walking, bouncing and nursing while in the carrier all helped.
@nhuluong Make sure they have a clean diaper, are fed, and nice and happy before attempting it, bounce and rock, do it slowly, and try not to stress, they pick up on that. For the Tula FTG it’s rated for 7lbs, it just depends on how tall your baby is, go ahead and try it. It’s a great carrier, one of the top recommended. If you do eventually want something similar to the FTG that does cross straps the Lenny light is great.
@nhuluong We liked ergo baby aura or ring sling during the newborn phase. It’s a learning curve but great when you get the hand of it. I never tried a structured carrier until now and my baby is 5 months. As a newborn my baby used to scream whenever I put him in the carrier but after a few minutes he’d settle down and get knocked out. Now he loves it when I put him in.
@nhuluong My baby slept best when I was moving. It might be because I was walking around a bunch at work when I was pregnant but she loved the movement. My baby loved a stretchy wrap and the Boppy comfyfit. Making sure you have a snug fit is key.
@nhuluong We had an ergo embrace that my baby loved, we wore that from newborn until he hit 15 lbs (they’re not great for heavier babies).

Ring slings are about 50/50 on if a baby likes them or not, it seems, but when they work, they work amazingly.

Do you know if your area has a baby wearing group? Sometimes having in-person fitting help works best and some groups have a lending library so you can test drive carriers before spending a ton of money on one.
@nhuluong Social media is generally a good place to start - my local group has a Facebook and Instagram presence (I think I searched “[city name] babywearing”)
@nhuluong I have a very long 8-week old. He's 10 lbs on the dot and fits very nicely in the Tula FTG. I've been wearing him in the FTG since he was closer to 8lbs. With my 1st child (also a preemie, also long though) I wore her in the FTG from 9 weeks (about 9 lbs) to age 3. They both have long legs and the FTG fit nicely in the crook of their knee early on.
@nhuluong He's 24". The FTG would have fit him at 22.5", but may depend on leg length over full body length. I think it's worth posting a fit check.

I absolutely love my FTG, and it was the only carrier that my husband liked as well.
@nhuluong I have the Mabē carrier and my almost 2 month old likes it a lot. It’s very comfy for me, too! She does cry every time we put her in but then she settles and falls asleep. I start by walking and rocking her and once she’s asleep I can sit down/lay back on the couch and she will continue sleeping in it.