Finally Ready!!


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Hi there! I’m not sure if this is the right subreddit but I’m plus size (about 340lbs & 5’4) and finally have made the decision that I would like to start trying for a baby. My finance and I have been together for 6 years & we’ve always done the pull out method. We’ve had a few scares due to my imbalanced hormones and irregular periods but never actually conceived and that somewhat raised an eyebrow as it seems to just happen for our friends around us. 🙁

I have somewhat convinced myself that since I am my size, I will not conceive or have lots of trouble doing so. I was told unwillingly by someone in an OBs office that I would be “high risk” and that if I had a job that requires lots of standing that would cause me to swell and I’d need to be on bed rest early (I know there is possibility of this but it was sorta of unsolicited as I didn’t asked for this information). Ever since then I’d developed a fear or insecurity about it all.

Fast forward, I eventually talked with an actual OB and she suggested that I of course drop some pounds before trying. I’m definitely on board with doing so, but in the event that I’m unsuccessful, is it possible to conceive while being my size and suffering from irregular periods and an hormonal imbalance? I would like to try naturally before using medications like metformin, clomid, etc. (nothing against these medications or anyone who has conceived with these medications btw!!)

I have a few health issues such as asthma and pre-diabetes. I would honestly love any suggestions, tips, or advice on this and preparing my body! I’ve always wanted to be a mother. 🥺
@chrisrobert The biggest tips I can give to you are to eat as if you’re pregnant and walk every day for 20-30m (build up to that time if need be!); that helped me lose 30lbs before I became pregnant. I did need help with a fertility specialist due to PCOS, but know others who had no issues with that conceiving. Would highly recommend getting an ovulation testing kit such as one from Premom that includes an app, and testing every single day for a few cycles to see what you’re patterns within your cycle average out to be! With PCOS, my OB told me to try for 6 months before coming to him versus the year that you would normally do. Sending baby dust your way!
@chrisrobert I’m 330lbs & 5’7, I have PCOS and was on the pill and got pregnant. It definitely can happen naturally without medical intervention at your size!! I think you can get ovulation tests to help determine when you ovulate if your cycle isn’t regular! Sorry I don’t have advice!
@beautifulyoufitness Thank you!! It honestly give me so much faith and hope on my situation! It has been on my mind so much lately and I feel like I don’t know where to start with things. I’m definitely gonna get some ovulation tests to start tracking things!
@chrisrobert I know someone who spent years trying to get pregnant, to the point where they ended up scheduling an apt for IVF treatments. Got pregnant naturally soon after. I like to think that apt helped her stress less and now she has a healthy 2 year old. Try not to let what people say make you think it will be hard! You never know! Wishing you so much luck on your journey!
@chrisrobert Last year I had really bad food cravings and had to be put on metformin and ozempic, then I changed to glipizide and ozempic and I went from 330 to 280 in like 10 months. And then I kinda lost my insurance in October so I didn’t take my medicine. for a bit and within a month and a half I actually got pregnant without knowing 😂 I found out I was pregnant after I had already been like 16 weeks.
@chrisrobert I did but I didn’t realize that they were pregnancy symptoms like a dummy.😂😂😂 I was super tired and super hungry, but I also worked crazy hours so I thought it was that and oddly enough I couldn’t brush my teeth cuz I would gag at the taste of the toothpaste but that was the only nausea I had. I got my insurance back this year and wanted to go back to the dr and restart taking ozempic but then within a week I found out was pregnant. So I’m glad I didn’t start back on it while I was actually pregnant. I was scared of the size of the needles of the other pens so I only liked using ozempic I’m a wussy 😭😭
@crazyworld Ughhh I hate needles! I have been trying to not think about the part where I have to stick myself every other day lol , but I’m willing to do what needs to be done to get a bit healthier for conception. Also congrats!!! 🥰