Finally reach the 20 weeks!


New member
Hello everyone,

I just need to vent.

This pregnancy is difficult, we knew it, but wasn't excpected this much.

After bed rest due to a hematoma of 3cm between the 6th and 8th week, everything was better. My wife worked part-time, which allowed her to keep an activity and rest to the maximum.

Meanwhile, the NIPT tests came back with a very good rate and we found out it’s a boy!

My wife is on anticoagulant because she has a mechanical valve. In fact, she absolutely cannot stop her coumadin and there is a risk (between 4 and 7% depending on her dosage) of increased malformation for the fetus (fetal warfarin syndrome), so we had an appointment with a specialist at 17 weeks. Everything is fine for the baby! No malformation, and he has a nose!

But things got complicated... At this same appointment, the doctor detected an retroplacental hematoma of 10cm x 9cm x 5cm... Elle avait à arrêter le travail depuis. When we saw his gynecologist the following week, he told us that the risk of miscarriage was 1/5, while at 17 weeks it should be less than 1%...

Since then, we have at least one follow-up appointment per week... Yesterday he announced that the cervix was short (29mm)... that she needed to make even less effort...

Although the hematoma begins to subside slowly, we do not always manage to rejoice. We feel that every time a step is taken, there is another obstacle waiting for us.

Still, we try to stay positive! We project more and more, especially as we feel it moving! It’s great! Each passing week brings us closer to the meeting with him!

We buy him his first blanket, we already have the name.

For the rest, we see day after day...

PS: here is a picture of my son and his friend the hematoma.