Felt like a fool for going to A&E with reduced fetal movement


New member
I'm 29 wks with twins. For the last few weeks without fail, I wake up 4am to them doing Irish dancing all over my womb.

Except early this morning. So I went and had a glass of juice and an apple. Went back to bed, some movement but reduced.

So we went to my local maternity A&E. The midwife gave me the third degree, she was like, they could be asleep. I explained I know their patterns and routines and they are now out of routine.

So they checked my twins and their fine and moving again. I couldn't feel them as move as they actually have moved positions, so I just need to get used to that.

I just didn't appreciate being questioned up and down about why I attended A&E. I think I did the right thing. I wasn't feeling the usual movement, had a sugary snack and drink and waited, still not reassuranced. It was 5.30am at this point and my doctor's office would be closed for another 4 hours and I wasn't willing wait to that long.

I just needed this little rant, the doctor was lovely but the midwife made me feel like an idiot, no need for it.
@salif You absolutely did the right thing. Our midwife has always told us to do that day or night if we have the same concerns and I am sorry someone tried to shame you for it.
@salif I am a nurse myself, and I am telling you right now, as busy as we are, and as packed as the ERs are, you did the right thing.
You followed all the steps before worrying about going in, and you are at that point in your pregnancy where fetal movement is taken seriously.

I went in twice and every time, the little bugger started boxing as soon as they hooked me up to the monitor. No one will ever blame you for going in "just jn case z" it's true that they might have change position/pattern, that was actually what happened to me... But stil, you did the right thing :)
@katrina2017 Yep, I went in at 38 weeks, what turned out to be the day before my daughter was born, because I noticed she had not been her rambunctious self for all day. Everything checked out fine, turned out she was just resting up for the big day! But I'd heard horror stories, there is NO reason not to get checked out, sorry they made you feel bad for it.
@salif You absolutely did the right thing, so stay strong when mean midwives try to make you feel bad. You’re doing great as a parent already. Keep on advocating for those kiddos!
@salif Pardon my French, but f*ck the midwife. If your babies aren't moving like they normally are and you're worried about it, you should ABSOLUTELY get checked out - always better safe than sorry! You absolutely did the right thing going in, and I'm so sorry that you were treated that way. Hugs to you and your littles.
@salif The midwife was completely wrong. You should always get checked out for no/reduced fetal movement. My team say get it checked out, no matter how often it happens.
@salif You absolutely did the right thing: don’t feel like a fool! Someone else on here on a different question like this said that reduced movement is the only way your babies have of communicating something is wrong, and that really stuck with me. You absolutely did the right thing.
@salif If you are worried, call/make an appointment! Seriously!

I fell flat on the ground around 15-20 week pregnant (hands and knees blocked most of the fall but I still ended on my belly) and the next day I still called because I was worried. You don't want to playing the "what if .." scenario in your head!

and indeed fuck that midwife! Glad the doctor was nice!
@salif i had a similar situation actually, had a doctor at our children's fetal monitoring ward make me bawl my eyes out bc she went up one side of me and down the other for coming in.
please don't ever feel bad for checking on your babes to make sure everything is normal you did the right thing!
@salif Definitely did the right thing. I felt decreased movement one day after doing heavy yard work around 27 weeks. I called my OB and they said yeah come in let’s check it out. Quick ultrasound and he was just fine. I would COMPLETELY ignore that midwife who gave you shit. These are your babies and you need to follow your intuition.
@salif Don't ever feel stupid or guilty or whatever!! The nurses are always happy you decided to come in rather than if you ignored your instincts and g-d forbid ❤
@salif Please ignore the attitude of that person. You 100% did the right thing, and should do it again if it happens again. Don’t let this dissuade you from getting checked out again next time! Hugs if you want them. Glad your babies are healthy.💗

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