Feelings you’d have twins..?


New member
Has this ever happened to you that you’ve always had this feeling/intuition/vibe/wish/always knew/manifested since like forever, that you’d have twins in future…? like whenever you heard of twins you’d be attracted to word twins…and then you actually had one set…?

Tell me the crazy stories if any…?
@twinmum YES.

I have been saying I’m going to have twins since I was 5 years old.

In 2021 I found out I had no eggs at the age of 25, doctors said I had ovarian failure. I was like WOW that intuition was freaking wrong, looks like I won’t even have one kid.

I had one follicle/egg in December 2024…. That one egg split into identical twins. I’m still in shock that somehow I ended up with twins… I had a 5% of pregnancy and a 1/400 chance of identical twins on top of that.
@twinmum I adopted my twins, and I didn’t predict that would happen, I never even imagined it. As a single parent I wanted to start with one and see how it went. But I had just finished my foster parent requirements and was waiting on my license when I got the call that there were twins in the NICU that needed a home that would likely be adoptive. They didn’t tell me the sex or what they looked like, etc. They didn’t have any information. They told me they needed a decision the following day, and I went to sleep that night after much thought and discussion with my family. I had this dream that I had these twins, they were m/f, brown skin with dark curly hair and brown eyes. In my dream they were toddlers and they were giggling and crawling up the stairs in my house. I called the next day and said yes. I went to the hospital to meet them and found out later on their mother is white, their father is unknown but based on genetic testing they determined he is Black. My babies grew into the most beautiful toddlers with the curliest brown hair looking just like they did in my dream, and every chance they get, they crawl up the stairs giggling the whole way. It’s wild to watch your literal dreams come true.
Also, both my sister and cousin birthed twins so when people ask if they run in the family, the answer is yes lol.
@twinmum I also always wanted twins, and my reasoning was I wanted to be pregnant once and be done. I prayed for this a lot. Probably for 15 years, I negotiated with God that if this wasn’t the easiest pregnancy, I’d never make it because I could have been equally happy without kids, so this had to be worth it.

Not only did I get the easiest pregnancy, my B/G twins (I didn’t find out) but it also helped identify a hormonal issue that I’ve been wondering about. So I’m grateful. Plus. The biggest win of all are my biggest loves of my life. Now I want more.

I’m praying for another set.

I know Reddit doesn’t like religion, but I’ve prayed for a lot of super odd things that have come to be exactly how I’ve wished. So I’m going to keep on praying.
@stellae I'm not religious but I'm on the same boat with you about getting things done and dusted (pregnant once so make it worth it!). However, I don't specifically desire for twins, I just thought it'd be convenient 😂.

Then Bam! 4 months pp and I sometimes still marvel at the fact that I'm in the 0.4% people who have identical twins.
@stellae This happened to me, I asked God for a sign by giving me twins. Later in my pregnancy we decided on the name Hannah. Then found out the story of Hannah in the Bible
@twinmum Minutes before the doctor came in to do the ultrasound the idea of having twins just popped into my head outa nowhere then boom she’s like I’m let’s look at the ultra sound together, your having twins it was weird because I got that thought literally right before
@twinmum I have three stories in this vein!

First, I’ve worked for the same company for 13 years now. I started there before I was even married/thought about having kids. At one point my desk was literally surrounded by FOUR other women who all had twins. I joked with them that if I ever had twins it would be their fault. Years later we all still worked for the same company, and it was so fun telling them!

Second, when I knew I was pregnant but before I knew I was having twins. It was my second pregnancy. I was having cramps on one side and my OB scheduled me for an ultrasound a few days out to check on things. Before that ultrasound I joked with my mom that maybe the pain was because I was having twins. Turns out I was right! Two embryos implanted on one side.

Third, my husband and I couldn’t decide if we wanted two kids or three. Before our oldest was born, he wanted three and I said let’s have two and see how we feel. After our first was born, we flipped. He couldn’t imagine having three kids and I couldn’t imagine my next baby being my last baby. The universe decided for us and now we have three kids, only because we had twins!

Edit to add a fourth! My dad is one of four brothers. Of those four brothers, there were three girls born into the next generation: me, my sister, and one cousin. My cousin and I both have twins. My sister does not have any kids yet but she’s a little freaked out by the odds!
@twinmum Okay so, my whole life I was OBSESSED with twins. All the twin shows, anything twin I just found FASCINATING!!! I was in complete shock finding out I had twins, but like.. it kinda felt like déjà vu