Feeling baby on the outside


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Hello to all of you lovely humans!

I’m 5’6 around 240 lbs at week 24 (6 months pregnant) feeling baby on the inside but when did you feel baby on the outside? My hubby really wants to experience this!
@revrugg This has started for me around week 25-26! Currently 27 weeks and it's becoming far more constant now. Hubby has felt him move a couple of times now 😊 still a hit and miss though!
@revrugg I'm 5'5 and about 250lbs currently at 25 weeks. I think body composition, uterus / baby placement, and baby activity level all has a part to play on how noticeable everything is on the outside.

I was able to get husband to feel my baby at week 20ish.

I've noticed a pattern, my baby moves a lot every time after I eat something, he also moves a lot before bedtime and at 1am and 3am. If you can notice a pattern of when your baby moves most that'll help you time it.

I also noticed that it's easier for my husband to feel it when I'm laying down. So now, anytime I'm with him, after I eat I lay down or recline on the couch so he can feel the baby lol

Also you may notice a particular location where you feel baby moving most. For me, it's beneath my belly button.

I recommend trying to identify patterns of when you feel your baby move the most, identify where you think baby is particularly placed inside you, and then that'll help you get baby felt moving.
@mayday3 This is great advice. I had an anterior placenta, so didn't feel externally until later, but I noticed more activity during/after eating and towards the top of my bump. You may not notice these patterns initially, but you'll pick up on them.
@revrugg 5’2 245 lbs at week 29. I could feel her from the outside about week 26. I felt her on the inside from about week 7/8. She was like a little butterfly flapping her wings. Now she’s a rhinoceros in a two foot China shop. Nobody told me they’d stomp your crotch. I learned new things.
@revrugg I am 25 weeks at 250 lbs and 5’11 and I can see from the outside for about a week now :) but only in specific moments when she seems to be moving a lot
@revrugg FTM, 23 wks currently, 5’4” 230lbs. Partner could feel movement at 21 weeks. Turns out that I am poly hydroamniotic, though. So movement is well amplified.
@revrugg Anterior placenta here. 5'10, 290 currently 38+4 weeks. I didn't really feel my baby on the until closer to 29-30 weeks. She really ramped up in the 3rd trimester and I feel her ALL THE TIME. My husband has only felt her a handful of times but to be fair I think it kind of weirded him out so he wasn't always looking to feel her kicks 😂
@revrugg My husband was only really able to feel her at night when we were sleeping/cuddling in bed. She would do HUGE kicks every night and he'd always feel them. I think I was about 6 months.
@revrugg I think I was able to feel little flutters around 24 weeks or so but my husband was too impatient to wait or didn’t think they were kicks. A few weeks later he was able to feel her when we were cuddling in bed.

Now we 31 weeks I’ve just entered the stage where my belly looks like it’s boiling when she’s really active. It’s crazy.