False starts and cosleeping!!


New member
Hey y’all! We’ve been cosleeping since baby refused the bassinet at 2 months old. Sleep has never been amazing but when LO’s 4 month regression hit it was brutal and we went from 2-4 wakings per night to hourly wakings for 10+ weeks. He’s almost 7 months old and since about the 6 months mark things have started to turn a corner (thank GOD). Though there’s still bad nights, we’re starting to see 2-5 hours stretches (yay!). The only thing is the longer stretches are RARELY in the first stretch of sleep. The first few hours of sleep he seems to wake every sleep cycle and it’s not until the middle of the night when maaaaybe we’ll see those longer stretches of sleep. I’ve played around with longer and shorter wake windows before bed. Also with early (7pm) to later bedtimes (10pm). Also with more/less daytime sleep. Nothing seems to work or make a difference consistently 😰 He seems to sleep better overall with a later bedtime but still has a couple of false starts/hourly wakings until a later stretch comes. I would love the first stretch to be longer so I can roll away and spend some time with my husband sans baby or just to have to myself. Any advice or tips greatly appreciated! Thanks!
@snowbunni This is probably not what you want to hear 😅 but after trying all the things and still getting false starts, what helped me the most was just to embrace and expect it. That way I'm not disappointed and on the odd night she doesn't have a false start it's a wonderful surprise. I typically try to get ready for bed, get her to sleep, then use that first sleep cycle to either read in bed by myself or have time with my husband to watch a show, snuggle, etc. Then after the false start I typically go to bed too. It's not a perfect system and there are still nights where I can't get away but it's definitely (slowly) gotten better with age
@paultheplatypus Same here.. she is 9 months old, first stretch (30-40 min) is our “me-time” with daddy.. after that struggle until midnight. Even when we are there with her, she is struggling.. even in our arms..

At what age it get better for your baby? 😅