
New member
A couple of weeks ago daycare had me pick up my 9 month old because they said she had a fever of 100.6 when she woke up from a nap. Got home and she was only 97.8 but ended up with RSV two days later so I assumed the low temperature was the fluke.

Today daycare had me pick the baby up once again for a fever of 102 after her nap. I was an hour away, rushed to daycare, and rushed right to the pediatrician. I was worried only because she JUST had RSV. I had no time to stop at home and give her Tylenol.

We got to the doctor an her temperature was 97.0. Perfectly healthy. Nothing wrong with her. No other symptoms (unlike when she had RSV and was snotty).

Anyone else experienced this? How did you address it so you weren't being called every other week (literally)?
@queenree1 The pediatrician agreed that might be what's happening.

I'm sending my daughter to daycare in short sleeves (middle of winter here) in hopes she'll be a little cooler. It'd always hot in the building anyway.
@mamabdog Our daycare will wait 15 minutes and take again if a child is warm/feverish after a nap. They don’t just call us if a kid is 100 degrees right out of their cot.
@queenree1 Our pediatrician's rule of thumb is to wait 20-30 minutes after waking to take temperatures because of this. Our daycare follows this same guide line so maybe it would be worth clarifying with them?
@mamabdog We have two good thermometers and I swear if I take their temp 3x with each all 6 readings will be different.

My husband and I usually go around the house taking everyone’s temperatures many times to see if one of the kids actually has a fever or if we’re getting a false reading.
@mamabdog Our daycare teachers called. us several times to report a fever of 104 only for us to get home and there was no fever. Once we gifted them a new thermometer, copying the director, the fake fevers stopped.
@mamabdog When u go pick up your daughter, have them take her temperature right then and there. They can’t fake it if they take her temperature right in front of you
@txdoll72 I think in theory this is a good idea, but because I've already taken off of work and driven half an hour from home to get there, I'd probably still bring the kids home.

I wonder if maybe telling them they need to take a picture of it would work?
@mamabdog It’s those crappy head thermometers. Even our daycare stopped using some of them and started taking armpit temps due to false readings.

At home, we only use rectal temp for our toddler due to traumatic experiences with the forehead thermometers.

I would ask daycare to re-consider what thermometers/methods are being used to check temps. Def reach out to the director.