Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad


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I am about 27 weeks with di/di twins. I failed my 1 hour glucose test today. I go in tomorrow for my three hour. I’m sure I’m going to fail.

Yesterday was my baby shower and after I ate, my heart started beating really fast, I got a headache, and I got very thirsty. It was pretty scary but I only told my husband and played it cool with everyone else and chugged water. Then it was fine. I normally eat a big breakfast with lots of protein but didn’t yesterday because I wanted to eat with everyone. So yesterday I had a bad feeling I was going to fail today anyway. Also at my last growth scan with my MFM the boys are measuring 6 days ahead. My mom even said “hmm.. have you been tested for GD yet?” So even though I wasn’t surprised when I failed today, I cried a ton. Blaming the hormones.

On top of that at my last doctors appointment my BP was 141/80. It went back down before I left, but my doctor said I want you back in on Monday to double check (today). Today it was 138/90. They checked again before I left and it was 134/72. Now I need to go back again on Tuesday. My doctor asked if I’ve had vision changes. I have seen stars intermittently. There’s no protein in my urine so they’re not panicking just yet.

My biggest fear has been pre-e. Now I’m terrified I’ll have pre-e and GD. Feeling sad and sorry for myself and just looking for those that have had similar experiences.
@readingdad I had GD and pre-e and everything worked out fine. I only needed to take insulin before bed and watch what I ate during the day. My BP was wonky all through my pregnancy but protein didn’t show up in my urine until about 30ish weeks. In my last couple weeks of pregnancy I had to go to the ER a few times because of headaches that wouldn’t go away after taking Tylenol, but they were always able to get my BP down and sent me home. We planned a c section at 36w, my OB and MFM were pleased with the babies growth and my OB wanted me to deliver before I got any sicker. The babies never spent anytime in the NICU and I just had to take some BP meds that first week or two at home.
@readingdad I’m glad my story could help 😊. It sucks when you’re dealing with it in the moment, I tend to catastrophize, and the worst case was definitely running through my head when I was diagnosed. But the GD wasn’t terrible to deal with, it just sucked so much not being able to eat my body weight in carbs everyday when that was all I wanted to eat. The pre-e was scarier to think about but I would always remind myself that it’s a good thing they’re sending me home and not rushing me into an ER.

If you ever need some extra support from someone who’s been through it, feel free to DM me.
@readingdad Sounds exactly like what happened to us. 28 weeks we had an overnight, they gave a shot to help develope the baby's lungs. Made it to 33+3 because of PE.

40 nights in the NICU, was a secret blessing. We got to learn how to be parents from pros without the added stresses.

They are 10 months old and hitting all of their adjusted age developements.
@alisa471 Did you have the overnight because of the blood pressure?

I appreciate you adding the positivity. I’m terrified of that long of a NICU stay. I don’t get short term disability and am panicked about being off work for that long. Did you guys continue to work and visit them each day??
@readingdad Overnight because of blood pressure. 150/100

NICU worked with work, one of us worked in the same city as the hospital the other was allowed to work remotely.

As callus as this may sound, not a lot to do in the NICU with twins. Staff really wanted the babies to conserve their energy, holding was suggested to be every other feeding.
@readingdad Well, we made it 5 weeks. Went in because of super high blood pressure on a Friday night and by Sunday the babies needed to come out due to kidney issues in mom.
@readingdad Those conditions can definitely feel really scary and I understand the anxiety.

But remember that with a multiples pregnancy, it is way more physically draining on your body and comes either those higher risks.

It sounds like you are receiving some excellent proactive monitoring, and while this can feel scary ultimately it is best to know what you’re dealing with and then make informed decisions.

Especially with GD often people feel a lot of culpability, but the reality is that especially w a multiples pregnancy there may be little that you can do to prevent it.

One of the best things psychologically with a multiples pregnancy (and birth and parenting, tbh) is being able to accept that there is much that is outside of your control. You have unique and more difficult circumstances, you may need to have different routines, diet, activity level, type of birth than you have envisioned in an ideal world. It’s OK to have lots of feelings about this 🩵

Know that your body is under so much strain and that if you do have pre E or GD try to be grateful that it is discovered and able to be managed, but you can also feel angry and grieve that you aren’t having a straightforward easy pregnancy. Both of these responses can be valid.

I ended up developing Pre E at 36 weeks with di/di and was induced and then ended up having what was technically classed as an emergency c/s but it was a really positive overall experience. I’m glad that I got to try and labour but ultimately my “birth plan” was what is the most safe option for everyone.

Also remember to honour and be proud of everything you have done so far in your pregnancy. You’re incredible and whatever level of complexity your pregnancy may end up requiring to safely manage, you should be so proud of yourself and your body.

Be kind to yourself and try to focus on those simple basics of drinking enough water, taking your prenatal as if/when they don’t make you gag and getting five minutes of gentle exercise every so often if you can.

And share here, we got you mama 🥰🩵🥹☺️ sending you all the luck and comfy feet good wishes 😅
@iazlover This was so sweet. I definitely did feel angry and needed to grieve a bit last night. This pregnancy has sucked since week 6 between the nausea, reflux, hip pains, muscle pains, etc. etc. I was totally throwing myself a pity party last night because it’s just been way harder than I expected, and that makes me feel weak/undeserving that I’m struggling so much!

Anyway, thanks for validating my feelings. This meant a lot to me. 🤍
@readingdad Do you have an at-home BP monitor? My bp is ALWAYS high at the doctors office. Last appt it was 148/80 (then went down to like 135/75 by the end of the appointment when they rechecked) but literally 2 hours earlier, my morning reading was 119/75. I have the worst white coat syndrome! You can use a home monitor twice a day (morning and night) after being rested/relaxed 10-15 minutes :)
@peterpalms I really don't have white coat syndrome though, I don't think. I have never had BP issues prior to getting pregnant. However I could be freaking myself out now because I am so worried about my bp, I suppose? I should go get a BP cuff for home, though. You're right!
@readingdad Could definitely be a new thing. I didn’t have white coat syndrome before pregnancy either (I think subconsciously I’m always worried about getting bad news!)
Hope the remainder of your pregnancy is long and boring
@readingdad I failed my 1 hour but passed the 3 hour and I had very similar feelings to how you describe. But I did end up with pre-e. Moderate bedrest (I was allowed to get myself food every few hours but nothing besides walk to the kitchen or bathroom) at 30 weeks with full, strict bedrest at 32 (only allowed a 10 minute shower a day to go to the bathroom). Made it to 36+3 and they only needed one extra night in the NICU due to jaundice issues that they would have had no matter when they were born.

I did have a pretty scary episode after my c-section where my BP spiked to 210/160 and they made everyone leave and I think they gave me some meds but my memory is hazy. It didn't spike again and we made a point to not have a lot of visitors at once after that.
@readingdad I’m on my second GD pregnancy. I’ve got used to managing it, and it feels like a pretty trivial thing once you get into the swing of it. I was devastated the first time round so I know how you feel, but it need not be a big issue so long as you stick to the diet and keep on top of the blood monitoring.
@readingdad This was me too. I had GD and the only food I could stomach was carbs!! I was so devastated, I cried and cried and if felt like such a huge deal at the time. But I needn’t have stressed so much. It was very manageable and actually I kept up with the diet postpartum because it helped me manage my weight so well. I was fine, my babies were and are fine. You will be too!
@jordana14 Yeah my appetite has been ruined by this pregnancy. The reflux is unbearable. I’ve always been weird with meat but it’s 50x worse now. Ugh. Thanks though. It does feel like such a huge deal right now!

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