Facetiming a 1 year old


New member
My ex wife and I have a 1 (almost 2) year old son. It was decreed in our papers that we have a right to one 30 minute phone call a day when he spends the day with the other parent. Since he is so young, he does not understand the concept of using a phone. This results in me having to hold the phone the whole time she calls. It also greatly distresses him when she FaceTimes him since he doesn't understand why she's gone. I can see the merit in daily phone calls and facetimes, but maybe not at this age due to the stress it puts on him and the burden placed on the other parent having to hold the phone the entire time the other calls. She disagrees and wants her full daily calls/facetimes, expects me to hold the phone and chase him around. Any advice? Am I wrong?
@storieman It's not reasonable for a one or two year old to have a half hour long activity, nevermind a sit-down half hour long activity. Children at this age have not developed any reason to focus this long on just about anything.

The expectation would absolutely cause distress, especially if it is happening daily.

At this age, figuring out wtf a phone actually is would be a barrier to being able to manage facetiming. If this is in your order, seek the wording. It may be an access but not an expectation. I don't think the expectation is reasonable. Not at this age. If there is the expectation, this is worth pursuing as a change.
Usually her explicit rights involve no responsibility from you. That's what a right is. What she doesn't have is the right to expect developments that haven't happened yet.
@storieman Gosh I would hate to have that in my custody order. Just my opinion, but I would I try to get that changed. My daughters dad and I haven’t been together since she was 6 months old and there really hasn’t ever been an age where she wants to sit on the phone for 30 minutes and talk…and she’s 10 now. Plus daily is just a lot. My daughter has an iPad and will text now, but before then we only called on the other parents time to wish happy birthday, happy holiday, etc.