F****ng Four…


New member
Hi there,

My GF and I are going through a particularly difficult time since our kid is approx. 4 1/2 y.o.

He refuses everything we may tell him, he is quite agressive (bite, punch) and especially with the cat. Moreover, his sleep schedule has drastically plummeted (7-8 hours per night) and as soon as he wakes up he do everything to get our attention. He becomes quite angry if he thinks we do not give him enough attention, etc.

My patience has reached its lowest since he is born, we are tired and I do not know how to behave anymore. I don’t feel comfortable to be strict nor to let him going that close of our limits.

I know he is in the « f***ing four », but this behavioural change starts worrying us.

Any thoughts or advice?
@michael6216 Yeah this is rough. I had this with one of my kids. Mine just did it with his mom and I, otherwise he was an angel. Do you have that going? I don't have any great advice other than to say to continue setting boundaries. Try your best not to change your behavior (positive or negative). Just stay the course, it's very likely a phase. And hopefully he's just doing it with you.

If you have him in a daycare see how he's behaving there and if they have any practices that he might be familiar with that you can replicate at home.