F**k em all the way up

@reverendrv Duct tape is always an option.

/just sayin

Also, two year olds are made of limp spaghetti and violence.

You have my heartfelt sympathy from the other side.

Don't blink. You'll be discussing George Carlin and best first beer choices before you know it.
@evangelistrik Yes so far this is my least favorite age. I’m over it. I miss my little baby. Everything is a fight now. But i also try to savor the good moments because this is the youngest he’ll ever be again. And I know I’ll miss it some day.

Also, duct tape! The cost- efficient solution. Like the way you think 😎
@reverendrv Just have fun, man. Enjoy your kiddo for who he is and one day you'll be arguing beer versus cider with a whole ass adult you built.

It's a little freaky sering an adult with your baby"s face, lol.
@evangelistrik I used to duct tape my daughters zip up PJs on. She would wiggle out of them and get her nappy (diaper) off and pee the bed. Every night. Did that till she stopped…

One day someone said why didn’t you just turn around the PJs and zip them at the back. Probably a better idea 🤦‍♀️
@reverendrv Sounds like you need some sort of Houdini strap / chest clip (or one with a clip he can't get undone). Correctly used, it will hold the shoulder straps in the right place and prevent him from getting his arms out.
@reverendrv I switched mine forward facing when he started this. I know it isn't recommended but it's much safer to be fully buckled facing forward than sometimes buckled facing the rear. He hasn't touched the buckles once since switching.
@nikki225 Yes for shorter distances. But once he gets bored he will do it 😂. He also loves to take his shoes and socks off every time we get in the car. Such a fun age!
@cruse My daughter couldn’t say sock, said f**k instead. Our Russian nanny thought this was so hysterical she would prompt her to say it all day long!!
@cruse Haha at gymnastics one of the kiddos was talking about the ocean but when he said OCEAN loudly it definitely sounded like OH SHIT. Lots of concerned looks by all the parents haha
@cruse When my sister and I were in elementary school, she stayed home one day. At dinner, I called her a "hooker" because I just assumed that's what someone playing hooky was called. Yeah, mom & step dad got on my ass over that one. I wasn't old enough to know what a hooker really was lol.