Experience With Blackout Blocks by OtterSpace?


New member
I stumbled on the Blackout Blocks by Otterspace online recently. They seem like an ideal solution but I'm having trouble finding reviews - has anyone here tried them?!


I am in a constant battle to blackout my sons windows. He is in a room with 8 windows (!) - we paid a fortune for blackout roller shades and have blackout curtains on each window as well. There is still a ton a light coming in from the top and sides of the curtains. For the first year, I taped the curtains to the wood frame and put blankets above the curtain rods. It worked but the room looked insane. He is 1.5 now and I finally lined the two windows next to his crib with foil because it was the only lasting solution and doesn't look insane. I would like to find a more permanent solution that enables me to sometimes open the curtains in his room.
@oneearthwoman I love ours and have posted the review on my blog with photos, etc but I don’t think I’m allowed to post.

We travel with an extra set of blockers and it’s truly the ideal solution!