Expenses for 4 v 5 kids?

@celoxisppm My husband is kind of high stress with regards to finances, no matter what. I don’t think that he will be low stress if we don’t have another, but I also don’t want to put him over the edge lol.
@ambereyes12 If you’re already stressed about finances having to pay for ivf for a 5th baby is just irresponsible. Sorry to be so harsh but that’s the truth. It takes away from what your living children could have.

You need to be sure you can fully fund your retirement and not have to depend on your kids. Sometimes children have to put careers on hold to fully care for aging parents which isn’t fair .
You have to be sure you can at least partially help with college expenses. My mom couldn’t help me with crap for college and it was so incredibly stressful, whilst my husband got some help, our experiences can’t even compare.

You have to account for sports for each kid (expensive), food bills, insurance plans, clothes.
@wren84 Stressed about finances is often an emotional state and not always a financial reality. I know some very wealthy people who stress about finances.
@wren84 We already paid for the IVF, it would not be an additional cost.

Are you speaking from experience? Or hypothetical? I feel like our food bill wouldn’t really change because I make most of our meals already and always have leftovers. We have mostly existed with hand-me-down clothes, so that would not be an issue until they get older.
@ambereyes12 Experience. Husband is 1 of 6 kids. We have 4 right now.

It will be an issue when they get older though?

The food bill does change when you have one more child. How weird to try and reason that it doesn’t….Im confused about that. It’s still one more mouth to feed.

If you are struggling to afford 4 which it sounds like you are, it’s completely unfair to your 4 kids to have one more.
Isnt fair to the 5th kid to get those hand me downs.
@wren84 Oof, you are being very aggressive for some reason.
I don’t think it’s weird, but whatever.
Also, we are not currently struggling, I never said that. I’m trying to prevent the struggle, which is why I came here for advice.
@ambereyes12 “Weird” might be harsh, but how could another person not increase your food bill? Unless you are saying that you currently throw away your leftovers instead of eating them.
@babygems Yes, sorry that wasn’t clear. I meant we always have leftovers, and don’t go through all of them. I do expect that our food bill would increase some, but I meant overall I am already cooking more than we need, just because that’s the way it works out.
@ambereyes12 I’m just answering your question. Having one more kid makes food bills higher, it makes all bills higher period. If your husband feels like finances are tight as is, they’ll get tighter.

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