Expecting baby #3, looking for baby wear options


New member
Hey y'all!! I'm visiting from /r/babybumps while I wait for #3. I never got into baby wearing too much with my first 2. We have a bjorn, but hubby preferred to wear it more than me.

I'm interested in one of the slings so I can breastfeed and wear baby while chasing my toddler :) Moby, ergo, hosteling, etc etc!! There are so many to choose from, for those of y'all who have been through this, what did you prefer?
@dannyabc I absolutely LOVE my Boba Wrap. I have successfully nursed in it more than once. Its very snug and secure, easy to put on and fits almost anyone. I put him in it when I am doing chores (though now that hes damn near 17lbs, and can sit up, he likes to play in his highchair and walker now :D)


The Boba wrap is very similar to the Moby wrap, the only difference I found was that the Boba was less expensive then the Moby. They are the same material, the same wrapping techniques.

Do NOT get a SevenSling, they give you free "Coupons" for them and you just pay shipping, totally not worth it. They are crap quality.
@boules1234 I googled the seven sling after getting the "amazing" coupons from motherhood maternity and couldn't find anyone with something good to say about them. :/
@dannyabc R/babywearing ;)

I have (had) and love(d) ring slings, woven wraps, buckle carrier, Mei tai. The moby was only good to 15 lbs really, the others all last much longer. I still wear him at 15 months, @ 25 lb.

I recommend a ring sling to start, when he/she gets heavier then look into a buckle carrier or woven wrap (wrap has learning curve but is always the right size!) my buckle was the becco Gemini and I really liked it.
@tehonepax Excuse me if I am incorrect, but I believe that you intended to reference /r/babywearing.

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@katrina2017 I used a K'Tan also for my first child, and loved it in general, but was never able to breastfeed in it. It's supposed to be pretty snug, and I think he felt too squished in for eating.
@dannyabc I originally got a boba 3g carrier for my baby shower, but my daughter ended up being too small for months to be put in it, so I got the boba wrap to tide me over. It was way easier to put on then it looked, and my daughter loves it. It's comfy, and stretchy, and easy to put her in and take her out. She just turned six months and is seventeen pounds, so I've been switching over to the carrier lately instead (easier to put on if we're out), but the wrap still comfortably supports her without hurting my shoulders.
@djson Really? Did you try the infant position? I made a tiny baby and she loved the boba 3G, although daddy uses it more when out and about, and I use it mostly at home.
@jibs I did get it all folded up and tried to put her in, but she hated having her legs curled up, and I just couldn't get it to work with her. We tried to get her in a few times, and she would get so mad after a little while, so we gave up. The wrap was cheap enough to try out, and we could get it folded up so her legs were out while still being comfortable for her. It just worked a lot better for us until she was bigger.
@dannyabc I love my little frog ring sling. I also have a water sling. I BF in both no problem. I have a mei tai that's great, and a boba 3G. It is so comfy for house work when she's in a back carry!!
@dannyabc So far, I've purchased the MeiTai and Moby with a pre-order of the Ergo 360. I intend on giving full reviews of all, but must wait on the Ergo release date in March. Luckily, my due date isn't until then, anyway.