Eugh...Just Eugh

@bunbunowen66 Me too!!! She will snuggle and sniff me and go back to sleep, her face on my chest or neck. Sometimes she will do it to daddy but will roll back to me. Who doesn't want that?
@bunbunowen66 Same here. I moved out of my mum's bedroom when I was 5. She was a single mom and we shared bed til she got together with my stepdad. No issues me moving to own bedroom because i was ready.
@bunbunowen66 What is it with our parents generation.

My toddler bites when frustrated and my mom‘s advice was to bite back. Bruh not even dogs attack puppies who bite, da heck is wrong with you? They. aren‘t. capable. of. understanding. or. anger. control. Their freaking brains don‘t have the parts needed to deal with frustration. Just commiserate with me that it‘s hard to deal with biting that‘s all.
@abinsky My dad told me to bite her too! What is wrong with that generation???
She's teething, she doesn't know what she's doing, she's not even aware that that will hurt me. But all she knows is gnawing down on me helps her gums.
And guess what? Without biting her she's stopped biting me. She may do it everyone once in a while, but more gnawing than anything else.
@bunbunowen66 Would it really kill people to have a bit of empathy and understanding? Ugh. Your feelings are totally valid and you're allowed to be tired! It's disgusting you even have to deal with comments like that. Hope you can get some rest and feel better soon!
@josh517 Thank you.
Hey being angry is a perfectly human emotion and can be perfectly reasonable at times. It's how we project those feelings of anger that we can work on. I'd be lying if I said I don't ever get frustrated with my girl.
I'm sure you're doing great too.
@bunbunowen66 Oh darling, I am so sorry you had to hear that kind of comment.

I know that my mum and MIL (and sister and SIL) are completely against every decision my husband and I take for our 9mo, but I am lucky enough to live in a different country, away from all of them, so I just keep contact at minimum and avoid controversial arguments
@royaleternity We used to live away but I moved home when I was pregnant. Unfortunately with covid, I lost my job so we've had to stay at my mum's house for a lot longer than we wanted. Consider yoursel lucky that you can avoid arguments!
@bunbunowen66 I tend to get comments too from family about co sleeping with our 17 month old.. “ oh she’s not in her own bed, she should be sleeping by herself” blah blah. We had to wean from bf due to pregnancy which was heartbreaking for me but my daughter still wakes up in the night just to check in or for cuddles to be put back to sleep. Sleep is such a hot topic that I had no idea about prior to becoming a parent.. way too much judgment. Every family is different and that’s ok as they won’t be little forever ( this is our motto when we have difficult nights).
@allena36 It's crazy how breastfeeding and co-sleeping, the two most natural ways to parent are so contentious to so many people!
If someone isn't being kept awake by my baby, then they don't have to comment on how she sleeps.