EOW w/ Holidays


New member
New to the EOW schedule. Looking to see how you figure in Holidays that fall on weekends. Neither parent should end up with three weekends in a row. Spam me with examples of how you handle yours. Thx!
@leslie74 In my situation Holidays trump the schedule. If that means the parent has three weekends in a row, so be it, BUT I would be willing to work something out provided the other parent came to me far enough in advance and it didn’t interfere with activities or already made plans.
@bluecoke541 Holiday trumps weekend. However, if you pick up a holiday weekend you have to exchange back the next weekend. This avoids three weekends in a row and instead just makes it more of a swap because you should have your time on the assigned holiday.
@leslie74 My kids just came off 3 weekends in a row no big deal here. Easier than trading and screwing up the schedule even more.

We swap memorial(him odd years me even) and Labor Day (me odd years him even) weekend and thanksgiving every year. That’s all we swap. I always have them Christmas eve into the morning until 9am and he gets them Christmas Day into his weekend (that’s how it typically flows) we kept Christmas this way because it’s how our families celebrate - it was easier for us to keep our kids on the same schedule.

We sometimes split the 4th but since COVID we’ve been camping over the holiday and so they stay with me and he gets the following weekend cause there’s another 4th of July like schedule I don’t care going too and he goes to it.

But that’s how it works for us.

Edit to add: we get them on our birthdays if we want them (he never ask for them on his) we both have accesses to them on their birthdays… we use to celebrate all together, but he now has a new family and hasn’t came to the last 2 birthdays.
@leslie74 I’m sad to hear any parent being upset that they “have to” see their child 3 weekends in a row. Dad sees her every other weekend, and she lives with me during the week. We use a holiday schedule that trades years for each parent, each holiday. Example, dad gets Thanksgiving, mom gets Christmas Day one year, the next year mom gets Thanksgiving and Dad gets Christmas. The 3-weekend month happens once in a while, but then there are some months where he goes weeks without seeing her. He never seems to mind. :/
@fluffpuffgerbil I think you misunderstood my comment/question. I was meaning, neither parent would like the child to be away from them for three weekends in a row. Of course whoever has the child would love for the child to be with them for three weekends in a row - It's just we would like to be courteous to the other parent who would not have the child.
@fluffpuffgerbil Sometimes we end up with missed weekends on his side cause he’s sick or we’ve swapped, he never cares if he doesn’t see them for nearly a month & hardly if ever calls. It’s how it’s been for 6 years.
@leslie74 Odds and even years seems to be good for all major holidays. 2023 Xmas eve with mom, xmas day with dad then 2024 dad gets xmas eve mom gets Xmas day etc… for all holidays
@leslie74 I was recently rereading mine because I have this exact issue, and I need to ask my attorney, but it says holidays rotating notwithstanding Thursday through Sunday? So it seems like each parent should still be getting their regular weekends? I'm going through custody issues and the more I read mine the more confused I get.