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Are you a mother of a child aged 8 to 12? If so, you may be eligible to participate in our research study. Your participation can help us better understand different aspects of child development, youth mental health, and the parent-child relationship.

The study involves a visit to the University of California, Irvine where you and your child will complete interviews, questionnaires, provide saliva samples, and have your heart rate monitored. The session will last 2.5 to 3.5 hours, and participants can earn up to a total of $80.

Interested in participating? Submit an interest form by scanning the code on the flyer. For more information, you can contact us at [ucigrowingtogether@gmail.com](mailto:ucigrowingtogether@gmail.com) or (949) 445-3816.
@jossus I am Australian so cannot participate but maybe heads up maybe don't title it ENGAGE YOUR CHILD IN A SCIENTIFIC STUDY
  1. It sounds vaguely threatening or like it could be a joke, especially with the All Caps
  2. Sounds like your kid will be a guinnea pig (I know they won't, I have worked in psychological research myself, but as a parent it sounds a bit experimental lol)
Maybe something like
Help guide research into Attachment (or whatever you are researching) participate in a scientific study! I'm just thinking it could sound a little friendlier and less alarming
@jossus You posted this in the sub I mod and we removed it because it sounds sketchy. Why is the email address a gmail one and not a university email add?

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