Energy levels at 0


New member
Hi all. So I’m very early on in my first trimester, and my energy levels are insanely low.

Me and my partner had a two week trip to Scotland planned, with lots of hikes, wild swimming etc involved. We’re now about 3/4 of the way through the trip and I’m seriously struggling energy wise to keep on going on walks etc. I feel so guilty because my partners planned so many cool ones for us, but I just need to nap all the time.

Does this go away after first trimester?
@godspurpose07 Very normal! I was still tired 2nd trimester but it was a million times better than the 1st. Started improving around 12 weeks and was noticeably better by 14 weeks for me.

Also make sure you're eating foods high in iron! I found out I was anemic (super common in pregnancy) which made my energy levels even worse.
@godspurpose07 It took me until about 17 weeks or slightly later to not feel exhausted all the time. Like I wouldn’t ve doing anything and i would need a two hour nap and way more sleep at night. Even now at 22 I am more easily exhausted if i do alot of physical activity or spend time in the heat. We’re growing whole humans after all!
@godspurpose07 17 weeks now. The constant extreme fatigue was gone for me by 8/9 weeks (though I know many aren't that lucky). After that, I definitely still had days where I needed to be in bed by 8 PM, but they're infrequent and not nearly as bad as those early days!
@godspurpose07 I'm 11 weeks and I am so freaking exhausted all the time. Every mom I've talked to said it gets better in the second trimester so I'm literally counting down the days lol.