Emergency C Section

I just had my third baby, but first c section. It’s been 4 days and there’s still no talk of when I can be discharged. My baby is being discharged and so my husband will have to take care of her because I’m not able to.

I had to have blood transfusions and wasn’t able to move as soon as I should have. I’ve been in extreme pain and they found out yesterday I have a blockage in my intestines. The only treatment is to not let me eat or drink anything and hope it goes away with time.

I don’t know how anyone survives this. Im struggling so much with trying to take care of myself and missing my kids.
@romanapologist13440 Hey mama, I also had a complicated c-section recovery. I got a post-op infection in my incision that was a bitch. It hurt so much to move for several days and I was miserable. My twins were in the NICU though, so I wasn’t in the position of having my baby discharged ahead of me.

As hard as it is, I advise you to take this time to rest and recover. When we were all discharged and I was still healing it was brutal. The longer you can delay that the better, really.

I also strongly encourage that you advocate hard for yourself. I was the one who brought the infection to their attention. I told the nurse, “I think this hurts too much, I am crying every time I need to move, please look at my incision.” And she looked and said basically “well, shit. Let’s get the doctor in here.” And boom, antibiotics and improvement.

I know it feels horrible to be away from your babies, but give yourself love and grace. You just had major surgery, and then had complications from said surgery. You deserve to rest and recover as much as humanly possible!
@spectator1001 Thank you for your response. I know it’s been a few days, but I’m finally feeling a little better.

My husband was a huge advocate for me and wouldn’t drop that something else was wrong besides just “normal” recovery.

I feel very lucky to have a support system (my husband and my sister) to help take care of me and all my babies.
@romanapologist13440 I’m so sorry you had that happen. I’m glad to you and baby made it through!
I also had an emergency c section and had to stay extra due to complications. Take any and all mess they offer!
I would really recommend getting checked out for ppa/ppd. It’s not talked about as much, but traumatic birth have a significantly higher rate of ppd. If you’re able to sit up see if you can get a friend or family member to come do your hair. Dry shampoo was a life saver!
For me the biggest help for my feelings happened on day 8 of the hospital stay. A nurse realized I was not ok and she got me into a wheelchair and took me on a walk around the hospital. The outside air and sun was a game changer.
I really hope you can find something that works well for you and brings you some comfort. Take this time to care for yourself, rest and let your brain rest.
Good thoughts mama.
@caprimama Thank you for taking the time to respond. It’s been a few days and I’m finally starting to feel better.

When I was in too much pain and couldn’t walk because I might pass out, a nurse took the time to wash me with wash cloths and brush my hair. It did make me feel so much better.

My husband is definitely checking in with me regarding my mental health. I only held my daughter 3 times the first week of her life and he knows that obviously wasn’t my “plan.” I’m doing okay mentally right now, but I will ask for help if needed.
@romanapologist13440 Are you experiencing paralytic ileus? My husband had it after his appendectomy. I didn’t understand how anyone can just survive without eating anything and having your stomach contents constantly suctioned, but apparently it’s a common complication and people get over it with time.

I’m sorry for you. Hang in there.
@romanapologist13440 Sorry you are going through this. Intestinal blockages can be serious so it’s good they are keeping you under observation. Try to rest as much as you can, going home definitely won’t help anything and would probably only make issues worse. I know it’s hard, but it’s impossible to take care of a newborn while being in extreme pain. I’m sure your husband will do a great job.
@romanapologist13440 Are you referring to an ileus? I had it as well took a couple of months to fully recover. 2-3 weeks to be mobile.

ETA I was discharged on day 6 because it took so long for them to diagnose lost the weekend with the B team.
@judicael Thank you so much for your response. It also took my team days to diagnose me, even though I was complaining of the pain within 24 hours of the surgery.

It’s also nice to have a timeline for recovery. My husband keeps asking my friend who had a c section if the things I’m feeling are normal (like I can’t hold my baby with any pressure on my belly or it’s painful) and obviously her experience is different. I think he expected me to be better once it was “solved,” but I’ve been trying to explain to him that this is going to take time to heal.
@romanapologist13440 I had a very similar situation, emergency C-section with complications after. I actually was initially released early only to rush back to the ER. They found and cleared a bowel obstruction after exploratory laparoscopic surgery, then an additional stay when I developed ileus. The ng tube super sucked. The stay in the hospital by myself with my baby at home was the worst!

It’s now over seven years ago, and I’m so thankful for all the modern medicine that saved my life.

Solidarity for what you are currently going through, it’s the absolute pits.

Hope those lazy bowels start pulling their weight soon and you can get home to your new little one and your family!!