Elective Induction 39 w 2 d- Positive Story


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Warning: long post but positive induction story! Hi, I wanted to share my positive induction story with everyone in case anyone was having questions on labor and delivery and inductions. To start, this is obviously just my experience and I encourage everyone to listen to their wants and their medical team in making the best decision for you. I understand some people have had great elective inductions and others have had an awful experience. When I found out I was pregnant I was soooo against an elective induction, the only person I know who has had one ended in an emergency c section so in my mind I decided all inductions end in c sections so therefore all inductions are bad (just want to note, c sections can be amazing I am sure, I just know for myself, I would have a panic attack being awake during that procedure). Throughout my pregnancy I started looking at an elective induction more and realized there is 0 evidence inductions lead to more csections. I know there is one study that shows the opposite but there seems to be differing ideas in the medical community about it. As my pregnancy went on, I knew I wanted an induction as early as safely possible as I hated being pregnant, it took such a toll on my mental health although I was fortunate enough to have a pretty uneventful pregnancy health wise (no diabetes or bp issues). My doctor agreed to an elective induction at 39 weeks and based on scheduling my induction was for 39 weeks and 2 days (baby girl came 39 w 3 d). Below is my induction timeline!

4 am: arrive and check in
5 am: nurse brought us out of waiting room to suite
5:20 am: cervix check (closed but soft) start IV
6 am: first dose of cytotec
6:45: a little crampy and contractions are starting to show on monitor

10:07: cervix still closed but very soft
10:36 am: second dose of cytotec
1:30: had a Popsicle and apple juice, contractions are stronger with second dose but not unbearable, just strong period cramps
2:20: another cervix check, only finger tip open
2:45: started IV to slow contractions
4:00: third dose cytotec
5:00pm: doctor checked cervix, very thin and can feel babies head. Doctor told me I could get the epidural whenever I wanted and told me not to be a hero, if I was in pain she would rather I get the epidural and be able to sleep through the night
6:40: asked for epidural
7:30: epidural placed and started (felt 0 pain, the numbing shot was less painful than the IV, the actual epidural was just odd pressure since I had never had any similar procedure)
7:45: numb and can’t feel contractions!
8:45 pm: input urinary catheter and 1 cm dilated and 90% effaced!
9:00: start pitocin
1:15 am: cervical check 3 cm and very thin! My legs are so numb cannot feel anything. Experiencing some shaking, not sure if it is from anxiety or labor itself. Every once in a while can feel a hunger pangs but i don’t have any desire to eat and my brain isn’t telling me I’m hungry
1:30 am: getting zofran, not really nauseous but I am anxious so I figured it would help calm me down
2:45 am: water broke on its own. 5-6 cm dilated, baby at -1 station
5:30 am: fully dilated! Did a baby push and they could feel her move, calling the doctor now and waiting for her to hopefully move down a little more
7:15 am: doctor checked and I am plus 2 but baby is face up so we are going to do different positions to turn her
7:50: in Superman position and got more zofran
8:40: readjusted epidural- was starting to feel some contractions on my right side, nurse called anesthesia just to make sure the catheter didn’t move, they came and adjusted the catheter and it fixed the pain almost immediately
8:50 am: started pushing
10:09 am: Baby is born!!! Zero pain at all and no ring of fire. Two small tears, one didn’t even need stitches

Overall was at hospital for 30 hours before baby was born.

I also successfully made it through pregnancy and labor/delivery without throwing up, so if anyone is crazy and emetaphobic like me, it is possible!

I truly loved my experience, only had a tiny bit of anxiety when it was time to push but overall I would do labor and delivery again 1000 times over if someone else would be pregnant for me! If anyone fears the epidural, don’t it’s amazing! Again I know everyone reacts to medicine differently but my personal experience was it took away allll pain including the feeling of pressure and I did not experience the ring of fire. When it was time to push I could feel some pressure but it wasn’t painful or uncomfortable at all it just helped me to know when to push. I hope everyone has an amazing labor and delivery whatever way you choose and I manifest that everyone enjoy it as much as I did! And if you are thinking about an elective induction, it can be an amazing experience.