Early wake-ups, previously ‘sleep trained’ 15 month old


New member
Our sleep training went quite smoothly, so much so, we didn’t have to do much other than give him the opportunity to resettle himself and he did and it was a blessing.
Now we’re, I’m assuming, at a point where he’s going to transition to one nap and the wake ups are a steady 5 am daily… also fighting naps lately. He would cry until we got him and letting him CIO is no option here. I also don’t see a point in doing that since he’s up on his feet screaming, he’s not semi-asleep trying to go back to sleep.
It’s dark, bedtime is no later than 4,5 h awake time.

My husband started going in and picking him up and either holding him a bit then put him back, but he could be up in 15 mins then he’d give up and cuddle with him in the big bed.

Any advice on what’s here to implement without going down the spiral of introducing any sleep crutches? How do we transition smoothly to one nap?
@redsmire Assuming you've read about the one nap transition, why are you on the fence about whether it's time?

Mine is same age and has been on one nap for ages and his sleep is currently off due to molars coming in, so, there are of course at this age other culprits… but it's also a very common age for dropping the second nap.
@woonkle I don’t mind it but he doesn’t want to nap at all, it’s been 7 or so hours of awake time and I’ve tried to out him down three times with no luck
@redsmire Are you putting him down based on what you see on the clock or what you see in his behavior?

Case in point, mine usually goes for a nap after 6-6.5 hours. Rarely, I try to put him down for his nap and he isn't going for it and I think back and realize he didn't actually seem tired, it was just routine.

I would start trying one nap. It will take a couple weeks to iron out the routine but it sounds like he is not getting enough wake time if he's happy and not acutely teething/ uncomfortable for some other reason.