Early spotting/bleeding (4-6 weeks) bit of a downer post, sorry. Also kinda long


New member
Hey folks
My wife and I just found out last Tuesday, and are very excited. However, she started to experience light spotting last night/some small bleeding (red turning to brown) this morning.

We went to the hospital last night to get checked out. They did blood work and an ultra sound (vaginal since it is so early) and didn't find anything at all- this includes no evidence of an ectopic pregnancy. Her HCG levels were also low (32) So the end result of that trip was "you might be fine, it might be a miscarriage, it might be something else entirely. We don't know. Come back in 2 days"

She HAS NOT had any cramping which the wide world of the internet seems to agree would be present in a miscarriage.

I guess at the moment I'm just freaking out and looking for anybody who has had a similar experience (either way) to help me know what to expect.

We go in for round 2 of bloodwork tomorrow, and we have an OB appointment for Thursday (we scheduled it last week when we first found out).

At this point the bleeding may also have been caused by the ultrasound since apparently light bleeding from the cervix is possible after irritation, and I would guess the wand would count.

It also didn't help that the ultrasound tech went about the process with all the bedside manner and care of somebody at a fast food joint putting your order into the register (really agitated myself and my wife who were already pretty upset at that point.)

I'm so sorry to pop on this morning with a downer post/ have this be my first contribution on here

Thanks folks
@hannibalthecrow Dude I’ve been in your shoes and there is nothing easy to say. “Wait and see” sucks to high heaven.. but it is pretty much all we can do at that point.

If it makes any difference, as many have said some women just bleed during early pregnancy as the fetus attaches. Could be perfectly normal.

Best wishes!
@hannibalthecrow Unfortunately many symptoms of an early miscarriage are pretty similar to everything going fine. Some women bleed a bit, some don't, you can have cramps while everything is fine or when it's not going well.

It's worth remembering that the rates of things going wrong early in pregnancy are unfortunately quite high (people often don't really talk about it so you don't hear that much). If they do, be there for each other and remember it's highly unlikely to be to do with anything you've done wrong/etc. It just happens. It is pretty crap.

I know this isn't too useful but:
  1. Everything might be fine, do whatever your docs suggest. It can be a while before you know what's happening.
  2. Be prepared yourself to help her through it if things haven't gone well.
  3. There is no fault or blame here, pregnancy just isn't 100% reliable.
  4. Again, everything might be fine. If she gets some cramps, everything may still be fine.
Hope all is well, I know it's a difficult time because you want to help but there's literally nothing you can do to fix any problems.
Hey folks

Thanks for all the kind words and support. It was a miscarriage.

We're gonna regroup a a bit and then get try again.

Once more, thank you so much
@hannibalthecrow My wife and I had three of them in the past 4 years. It fucken sucks.

If they are recurrent, check to see if your wife has PCOS and got treated accordingly. Once we found out and we took saw a specialist, we are now 17 weeks pregnant.

God speed brother.
@hannibalthecrow we had a similar experience. when we call about spotting.

could be caused by the nesteling or something.

went fine for us after.

unless its an internal echo it would not be very likely to cause the bleeding.
@hannibalthecrow i am not a doctor. but in that case the echo could be the cause of some spotting.

hormones put more blood there and its more sensitive or something.

but you probably should get another ultrasound tech. because you are clearly not comfortable with the guy working on her last time.
@hannibalthecrow I'm sorry this is stressing you out. I'm not going to lie. The HCG is very low for anything past 4 weeks, but there is a chance things are okay.

In terms of spotting, we've had seven miscarriages so we've seen it all. Sometimes spotting means the baby has died, sometimes it doesn't. There's really not much else to say. The times I've thought it meant certain demise, it hasn't, and the times I thought it meant nothing, it did. There's no rhyme or reason to it, and there's no way to predict what it means.

I'm sorry this is happening. The ultrasound wands can definitely cause spotting, as can a bowel movement,
@katrina2017 I appreciate it. And yeah. I wound up picking her up from work today because the bleeding got way more heavy. We think we might be out, but will know more tomorrow.

Hopefully I'll be back on here in a few months again. Thank you all.
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@hannibalthecrow Like a lot of others are saying, it could be a bad sign or just normal. I will say my wife had some spotting from week 10-12. It ended up being an irritation on her cervix and they ended up cauterizing with silver nitrate powder, but all has been fine since. I don't want to give you false hope, but it could be entirely normal too, it was in our case. Good luck!