Duke study examining social identity in multicultural or multiracial families


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If you are interested in helping scientists understanding how multiracial and multicultural children gain their social identity, you may want to take part in a study from the Duke Identity and Diversity Lab, located in Durham, NC. Our lab is broadly interested in relations among social identities (i.e. race, gender, etc.), perception, and behavior, as well as the emergence and change of social identity features across time. We have a new research project done entirely via Zoom examining Mulitracial and Multicultural children’s social attributions. The study is for children aged 5-7 years and parents to do together. The study will touch on topics related to race, adoptive families, and identity.

If you are interested, fill out this interest form (Click Here ) or email us at [dukeidlab@gmail.com](mailto:dukeidlab@gmail.com).

Here is our website if you would like to learn more about what we do in the lab! https://sites.duke.edu/dukeidlab/

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