Dual language immersion for kindergartner (wanted spanish, got french)

@cal_reacher French is still awesome!! I would be ecstatic if my son was placed in any dual language class! (We are moving districts just to be able to be in one that has a lottery for a dual language program so not even guaranteed but what can you do 😂) totally understand that French may not be your first choice but it sounds like you can maybe provide some Spanish input and then find other Spanish fun things around the area! That way it’ll be a triple win!
@cal_reacher As a child, my school taught us Spanish. It was only a few times a week, but I did have Spanish classes every week from kindergarten to fifth grade. In sixth grade, I switched to another school system and there they taught French. At first they didn’t want me to take French, because they offered it in 4-6th grade, so I had missed two years, but my mom talked to my teacher and got me enrolled into French class.

The first day, my teacher was giving a quiz. She said she wouldn’t count it, but for me to try. I got a 95% on the quiz and I had never even taken French before, but I had taken several years of Spanish. The two languages really do help one another. I ended up majoring in French and it had a hugely positive effect on my life.

So all that to say, I’d 100% choose the French program and maybe see about doing Spanish classes on the side.
@cal_reacher My husband went to Italian immersion school in his home country until he was 11 and immigrated to the US. He has a random conversation with a patient here or there but it's more or less non-existent. We're both conversant and fluent for work purposes from learning Spanish from middle school on.

I think French might have a better chance if you travel but yeah it's really hard if you don't have or actively make a connection with the language.

We have language emphasis schools too but we're not fully considering them for similar reasons. The Spanish one is pretty far in a school that has safety concerns. We'll probably do language immersion camps though.
@cal_reacher As a learner (and now fluent speaker) of both French and Spanish I say go for it! French is amazingly useful and they are related enough that it will actually help her learn Spanish down the line too. I learnt French first and it gave me a great foundation for Spanish because they do share a number of features. Hopefully you can find some French connections as well. It's great being able to explore music and literature from Francophone countries including in Africa. I don't see a downside to her learning French.
@cal_reacher That's super frustrating. Definitely sounds like Spanish would benefit her way more and if it's in your means maybe pay OOP for a Spanish kindergarten?

Gotta be honest French is kinda useless if she's going to live in the USA. Really wish I'd taken Spanish in school but my parents were European and French was always considered the language to learn so they made me take French. It may only be helpful if she goes on a holiday to France and even then they'll laugh at her for being a stupid American regardless of her French skills.
@shyandalone Nah we have good schools near us (for elementary) and definitely no shade to anyone who pays OOP for private schooling but I’m a believer in public schools if they are good!
@cal_reacher I meant private Spanish speaking kindergarten cause that's when she'll soak up the language.

Is there really no waiting list for the Spanish immersion? If she could go to another kindergarten and then transfer to the public system. I mean I'm sure spaces open up throughout the years do they not fill them?