Dogs and kiddo sharing back yard


New member
So we have two dogs who poop and pee in the back yard. We also have a 15 month old I’d like to be able to enjoy the yard. We haven’t let him out there much (and only with direct supervision) due to worry of the health risks re dog waste (we do pick up the poo every day but sometimes it’s not solid so leaves stuff). All the suggestions I see are to create two separate areas, which we can’t do.

What I’m wondering is:
1 assuming there’s no actual waste lying around, what is the risk to bub?
2 is there a way to ‘clean’ the area - I’m planning on hosing the grass and water blasting to outdoor tiles. How often should o do this if it’d work?
3 any other thoughts/suggestions?

Thanks so much!
@wyatt1525 "Science Based Parenting" strikes again - "Don't worry about anything and let the kids play." While I'm sure you won't have any issues, implying that there are no risks with dog waste is just not reality.

Dog waste can harbor mold, parasites, bacteria, and viruses, such as hookworms, whipworms, roundworms, parvovirus, E. Coli, salmonella, campylobacteria, etc.

The Georgia-based Clean Water Campaign estimated that a single gram of dog waste can contain 23 million fecal coliform bacteria, which are known to cause cramps, diarrhea, intestinal illness, dehydration, and kidney disorders in humans.
@wyatt1525 First of all, I assume your dogs are on monthly medication to prevent parasites and get yearly stool screenings with the vet? And are up on all their vaccines?

Is walking your dogs an option? My dog doesn't poop in the backyard if he gets short morning and evening walks (5-10 minutes).

The truth is that if your dogs are licking your kids, they're probably already exposed to all the microbes in their poop. Dogs lick their butts after pooping and then (adorably) they lick us.
@malloryor Yes all up to date on regular meds and checks (so that’s a good point - they are clean inside dogs with no parasites) and they do have poop walks. So that’s a good point re the exposure potential. Thanks!
@wyatt1525 My kid has grown up playing on grass which 3 dogs and 25 chickens piss/shit all over, and she’s an amazingly healthy toddler (I get sick more often and worse than she does) - I wouldn’t worry too much.

It’s not normal or healthy for dogs to have loose stool/diarrhea frequently though, IME (having owned multiple dogs for 30 years). If that’s leaving a lot of mess in the yard I’d try to address it.
@heloise23 Thanks! That’s good to know. The loose stools are just occasional - even with the sensitive diet the breed has sensitive tummies! So yes vet checked :)
@wyatt1525 For the loose stools, if you just hose over it after then the bits wash into the soil.

My dog doesn't poop in the yard usually but when he does, or his friends, it's normally at the back or perimeter since dogs don't like to poop in their living spaces either. Just wondering if there is a pattern to where they go that would allow you to be strategic without needing to actually create separate spaces.
@wyatt1525 And I bet if you start using some of the space they will recognize the space you are using as living space which will reduce the chance of them using it to go. As long as they still have a place to go.
@wyatt1525 The data on exposure to animal feces in childhood shows a negative link to growth. These studies are in settings like farms and developing countries, so I’m sure the impact from household pets in a suburban backyard would not be as significant, but I’d still do what I could to mitigate.
@wyatt1525 I would train the dogs to pee/poop on a certain part of the yard, like the edges or one side of it or something. It can be a bit of work but it does make it easier long term.
But overall, the public places you’re playing in have any amount of unknown potential risks, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Just pick up the best you can and hose down areas of concern.
@wyatt1525 Why is it not possible to create separate areas? Might you be able to gate off a small outdoor ‘Yes space’ for your toddler? There are some nice examples if you Google ‘yes space’.