Daytime v Nighttime Feeding Schedule


New member
Hello! First time poster, first time overwhelmed adopted dad to twin boys 11 weeks (5 weeks adjusted). My husband and I were given the go ahead from the pediatrician to let the boys wake us up at night for feeds and stop the regimented “every three hours.” This results in one usually going longer than the other, at that point we wake both up and feed them. We tried to feed both on our own, but it was overwhelming and was taking 2-hours with lots of tears. That was a month or so ago, we may revisit now that they are outgrowing some of their feeding issues. We have a Table For Two, maybe now with a bit more head control it will go better.

My question is, based on your experience:

1) Should we keep waking them both up, if only one is fussing?

2) If we do that, how do we get them back on the same schedule during the day? (Let’s say one ate at 4 and the other at 6). Just wake up at 7 and try a bottle, then go three-hours from there?

@frailgirl We never did shifts because we just wanted it done faster so we could sleep.

We wine both until we noticed one wouldn’t stir much and then we tested leaving her and she slept through.

Then we would just feed one and try and align to our normal feeding times together.
@frailgirl Mine were similar, but we always woke up the one who was sleeping and offered a bottle. We were on a strict 2.5 hour feeding schedule for weight gain, then got the go ahead for letting them cue us, when we'd wake the other baby, then for the first morning feed we kind of met in the middle. So if they ate at 5 am we'd feed at 8, then adjust our schedule throughout the day. Mine are five months now, four adjusted, and neither wake to eat at night. We LIVED by our feeding schedule and honestly still do.
@frailgirl We did this. Woke up the other one. Because if not we would be up again in like 40 minutes anyway.

And for us we both got up. Some people promote the shifts here but for us we both got up for every feed when they were little like this.
Yep we both got up. I thought feeding them both when they were that little was easier with two people, but if you have a twinz pillow or table for two you definitely can do it alone, that's what I do now.