Daydreaming about names… my top 5 C names


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Another post daydreaming about potential baby names. My husband’s family has a tradition where the first born has a C name and my husband once had a dream that we had a baby girl, so I’ve been contemplating names! I prefer more unique names and my husband leans more classic so it’ll be interesting to see what we actually land on.

I’d say my top 5 right now are:
- Chloe … probably the most common/trendy of the bunch but I do like the name a lot and feel like I actually don’t see it that often.
- Crys or Cris… not short for anything, just short, easy to pronounce, and almost masculine.
- Camina … from a character in The Expanse that we love.
- Cataleya… a little round about but this name is a variant of orchid in Spanish. My mom’s name also means orchid in Vietnamese, so it’d be a tribute of sorts. I think Cat as a nickname would be cute.
- Celine … love the name and the singer.

Any names you’re dreaming of?
@tim_o Absolutely dreaming of an Arthur. My husband makes armor, and adores everything about medieval times. I feel like it would be the most dreamy way to nod to his passion without “using my child as a billboard for my fandom,” so to speak.
@clough Lol I'm a history nerd and I tease my bf when my audiobooks reference weird medieval names like Fulke or Walderan--"what if we named our future baby (absurd medieval name here)?"
@tim_o Elowyn got stuck in my head the other day since their nickname can be ellie or winnie.

For a c name Charlie (short for charlotte for a girl or charles for a boy) has been a favorite for me.
@curiousaboutthis I love the nick name Charlie! But there’s already a Charlotte in the family and my friend’s kid is named Charlee lol. I figure there are enough C names out there we can pick something else
@tim_o Oh my gosh. I‘m dreaming about names for our second, and I can‘t really think of any good boy names. We already used my absolute favourite one (Arthur) on our baby boy. I loved Tristan, but can‘t use it due to family (already taken.)

So here‘s my list (My mother tongue is 🇩🇪)

- Torin (!)
- Lennox
- Valerian
- Ezra
- Kai
- Erik

- Franka (!)
- Alma
- Helena
- Viola
- Romina
- Karla
@tim_o Ive always loved the name “Sarah” for some reason. And I also like a part of my own first name a lot, but I wouldn’t want to name my kid the similar to me haha. For a boy I’m not sure!
@tim_o For girls I love Natalia, Alessia, Carina, and Leona. For boys I love Micah, Elias, Sebastian, and Hugo. I am not having kids for at least a year and a half, but I am definitely thinking of names for the future!
@tim_o Have you considered Catarina? Or Katarina? Nickame is cat or Kat. I love that one.

My choice is Robin for a girl or a boy. My husband loooves birds so it's fitting.

Robin Lynn for girl.

Don't know a middle name for a boy yet.
@tim_o I have a whole list of girls & boys names! But my top 5 for girls are currently Grace, Violet, Isla, Iris and Rosemary, top 5 for boys are Jack, Isaac, Simon, Gavin and Levi.
@tim_o Our firstborn will have a family name that's already decided, though we do have the flexibility to use it as a middle name. For first names: I like Remy or Quinn.
@tim_o My husband and I already had names planned out from the very beginning: Sophie and Johnny, or AKA Sophia (if its a girl) and Johnathon (if its a boy). If we have twins, we're gonna add Oliver (Ollie) and or Olivia (Olive).