Day 4 of single parent vent


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When does it get better? At this point I just feel like it’s all a nightmare and I just need to wake up. It’s hard to see that the other person seems find and is enjoying their new freedom while you’re stuck caring for your 7 month old, having to try to find time to pack to move back home with family across the country, hoping that they change their mind and say they didn’t mean to break up and they regret it but at the same time telling yourself that you deserve better and won’t get back, not wanting to ever date especially with how the dating scene looks like but at the same time maybe in the future I may want to find someone but also feeling like I’ll never find someone. I’m too damaged, too emotional, too much for anymore, maybe my jokes about us having issues planted seeds in his head. I would say it to be funny but I guess it wasn’t. I would say/smile/laugh and say something like see this is why we have issues to our dog for little things like him leaving shoes on the floor or something stupid like that. But I now see how he might have taken those to heart and felt not good enough. That I was always complaining. Which I guess in a way I was.
It’s hard to stop overthinking and wondering the whys and the what if I did this or that. The what did I do, could I have made him happier, did I really make him feel that unloved that he had to cheat and be with someone right now. I wasn’t a good partner. I wasn’t perfect. I’ve used my words to hurt him before. Honestly, I even feel like apologizing to him for it. It could have been me being selfish when I asked for attention or when I didn’t consider how he wants to enjoy his weekends. I just thought it was better to be out doing things together than be home. I want to ask what I can improve and get more closure. But do I really need closure and more details when cheating and him saying he wants to be free and doesn’t like the person he is with me/not happy not enough? Do I really need more torture? I’m not the one who should feel like I’m being punished. Or maybe it is. Maybe it’s for not seeing the red flags or blindly trusting. Isn’t it hard enough for him to come to our apartment late and me wondering who he’s been with but at the same time telling myself I shouldn’t care because he doesn’t want me anymore. But why am I the one who seems like their whole life has been turned inside out. Everything I looked forward to, gone. Our talks about growing our families literally days before the break up is just confusing to me. What happened? He was planning on doing things together. Going on a date soon. Traveling. All while he knew he wasn’t in it.

The thought of once I go to new new apartment by family is hard. When family goes home to tend their families is tough to swallow. I’ll be all alone, truly this time. At least before I felt like a single parent but at least still had someone there. Now I’ll be alone tending to a growing little girl and hoping I can hold it together or her and not damage her like I was when my parents left me. I’m sorry to her.

But part of me tells myself i shouldn’t apologize to him. Family tells me it’s on him and I shouldn’t feel like this but I do. Part of me feel disappointed that he told me. Especially because before I was upset about how I felt like people just use me and take advantage of me. Especially because a few weeks ago my grandmother died and he knows she was like a mother figure and was dealing with that. And I know I should get therapy but how do you do so with a baby. How to try to find time to meet new people and friends. How to be my own self.

He’s all I’ve ever known. My best friend for 12 years from 17/18-30. I thought we would be together forever at this point. Now my engagement ring just feels heavy and my chest feels heavy. It feel like it’s been squeezed so hard. Having to move back to our small town and have everyone know I’m a single parent is also hard. Never imagine this life. I guess no one ever imagines it really. But I know I have to stay strong for my little girl. I know she and I deserve better and I hope that when she’s older she doesn’t have a great void and try finding that love in the wrong places.
@elove Stay strong. We have all been through such dark tunnels where we are unable to see the light at the end. It does get better but it will take time. You will become stronger, once you move, and once you are settled.

I remember myself curled up into a ball unable to grasp reality and unable to see any future. I too always looked for the reason and constantly criticised myself looking for the exact point of blame. I realise now that he was going to leave, it was a matter of time. I personally think you are better off. You don't want a guy that is happy to cheat on you. You are worth far more than that!!

Sending you lots of virtual hugs.

Focus on your move, make your mental heath a priority and most of all find someone to talk to. A friend, a family member, a professional.. someone you trust and who you can download to.

You can and will overcome this.
I hope the move goes well and you find peace. I believe you will find support and happiness once your heart heals.

Take xare and Keep us updated..
@cosmictraveller Thank you.
It’s daunting at first but I’m glad to see others who have found happiness. It’s hard not to look for a reason within ourselves but you’re probably right, it was a matter of time. Finding someone is hard because although people claim to be pro mental health the moment someone shows any sort of sadness they don’t want to deal with it. Which I guess I can see. It must be draining. I’ll have to focus on moving forward, knowing my worth, and respecting myself. Get professional help is also up there too
@elove Similar situation where we were together for 12 years until our early 30's and then I found out he was cheating on me. The answer to "when does it get better?", I found that once my son and I got into a really solid routine that helped tremendously. The routine was something predictable and static when it felt like my life was a mess. It allowed me to have my few moments of peace by myself after my son went to sleep. I did yoga and pilates after he went to sleep which personally helped me a lot. We don't get much time to ourselves but I try to make that time count.

Also, therapy is a big, big one. There are online therapies that you can use after your daughter goes to sleep. I really think it's important and it helped me a lot. I find journaling to be really helpful for me too. Especially when I'm feeling hurt, resentful, or lonely. I just journal on my phone, they have journal apps that are password protected too. Best of luck to you. Its hard but I promise it will get easier.
@starfish63 Thank you. I hope to get there.

I will have to work on getting her to sleep on her own and try online therapy/journaling. Hopefully once I am with family they can watch her for a bit and I can try going to the gym
@elove This is one of those situations where you have to choose your hard….

If you choose to offer him a life with you where he’s allowed freedom- you will possibly destroy your self worth before finally ending it because he isn’t going to care about your feelings most likely… (unless you get the option of being a SAHM with a gym membership and new cars- in which case imagine your options with that life… just use your imagination- you could
Make pancakes for him in the morning and go enjoy your life… who cares what he does)

If you choose to move forward with your life in a different town- he may pay child support and you may meet someone new - they may have kids too and you can have a big family with lots of excitement while you get a check from him every month to make up for his absence…

Choose your hard..
@infinityown Yeah, I decided the day he ended things to not go back. Wouldn’t be able to trust him again.
Just have to try my best to move forward at this point..
@elove It is a big change to become a single parent, your words are taking me back to those freshly wounded feelings. Sending internet hugs

In a way it’s like grieving a death, so many emotions and a true loss. A loss of a relationship, a loss of future dreams and past promises, losing the vision of family that you had, and losing someone that at some point was your best friend. Some days are better than others and then at some point it’s all so far in the past that other things have grown around you and times have changed.

It’s probably different for everyone for how much time it takes. There are still some times when I am angry or sad about being a single parent but most of the time I’m fine. And I know that sometimes people get angry or sad no matter what life has given them so it’s not so overwhelming anymore.

If you ever need to ground yourself, focus on what’s in front of you. Notice what you are looking at, what you can hear, smell, touch, taste. It helps me to appreciate what I can and really pulls me into the present moment.

Hope things simmer down sooner than later for you. You got this!!!
@elove youre not alone. I'm on day 6 of my wife leaving. I'm right here with you. It's the hardest thing I've gone through. And if feels like for her, she's not enduring pain while me and my kids grieve, hurt, adapt. It's hard for my kids to understand but I've accepted she's not coming back. And I realized the sooner I did that, the sooner I could be strong for my kids. I know she loves them. And I just hope she continues to show them that. But I can only control what I can control. I have learned how caring people are. Strangers on Reddit, friends, family. I've heavily leaned on them and they have helped me tremendously climb the daily mountains that come with this adjustment. You can do it, for your kid, and for yourself. I took always wanted that perfect family, but I've accepted that this is our new reality. Now I just have to help my children do the same while also showing them they are always loved. We got this. You got this.
@nicholeuhas I’m sorry you’re going through that. I hope he put effort for our daughter. She just got caught in the crossfire
We got this. Things will be better soon. I’m sure one day it won’t hurt as much.
@elove It gets better after half a year to a year of no longer being physically around him. I look at it like, if he didn’t love our child enough to want to give him a solid family life together, we’re better off without him. My kid doesn’t need an asshole as a role model. And then he’ll regret his decision at some point, but you say too late.
@elove I'm a (35)m.and I feel like a female because I'm going threw the same thing she wanted to find herself and she needed space and talking about the future days before she tells me over a text she wasn't In love while she was out on vacation with my daughters with money that we needed long story short I was renting to own from her dad and I was paying everything and she kicked me out. it was and is hard it's been a year and I still can't believe she doesn't want me after telling me we will fix everything till we got old
@elove My ex husband was the only guy I was with too before. We were bf/gf for 8 years and was married for almost 10. I had to let him go because we were not on the same page anymore. Because he thinks we’re divorced now and that he gave me full custody of the kids, the bare minimum effort is the only required thing from him. I’m exhausted from working and taking care of the kids and making sure they’re not missing out on anything such as extra curricular activities. While he gets to live a bachelor life. I know why I left him and I don’t regret it, but part of me is so mad at him for cutting ties with his kids.

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