Dad flips out on teens asking to go to skatepark


New member
Me and my brother like to skate and we have a local park that's 8 minutes away via car and 40 minutes walking. We go there every other day but my dad is known to not be the best. He is a very angry person and can be an asshole if he feels like it. I think he vents his frustration from his work on us by punishing us or stuff like that but I can't be sure maybe he's a just a really angry guy. We asked to go to the park today and my dad flipped out and started yelling "We can't drive you to the park everyday. Go get some exercise and walk to the park. My mom says, "I can drive them I'm off work." My dad goes "No, all they do is sit around playing video games and eating garbage. They can walk today" I mean that's complete bullshit we both like to go outside and fool around with neighborhood friends or we both like to bike and I, and recently my brother, have picked up skating and we both enjoy it alot. We go to the park as much as we can. We cannot play video games during the week either, and my parents often take us on trips to the mall and grocery store which often take around 4-6 hours. So when the weekend comes, we usually try to get in as much time as possible, in order to get challenges and weekly items. My dad, chooses to focus only on what we do that he doesn't like. He says he's going to get his oil changed and he wants to bring us. We both ask him why he needs us and he says that we need to get away from video games for a couple hours. You give us 2 days out of every week to play video games. How can you not expect us to try and squeeze in as much time as possible when you know we have weekly items we want to get? So anyway we ask our mom and he's flipping out calling us lazy f*ckers. It gets dark at 7 my brother can't get home until 5. If we walk there and back, that gives us about 30 minutes to skate when if we drove we would get 2 hours. My dad needs anger management classes or something because I just want him to stop being such and angry douchebag all the time. Thanks for reading my rant guys. (P.S. I just remembered whenever I talk with my friends on ps4 I close my door and talk slightly above normal talking volume my dad busts In mid conversation and tells me to be quieter. Also he enters my room by banging on the door about 4-5 times super loud. I don't know why he does this. He's not even angry when he does it he just smiles whenever it scares the shit out of me and I'm trying to play a game)
@applegold It is nonsensical to complain that you sit around all day playing video games, then refuse to drive you to a skate park for exercise. That said, if it takes you 40 minutes to walk to the skate park, how long of a ride is it on your skateboards?

Consider skating other places, transporting yourself there, instead of only going to the skate park.

he's flipping out calling us lazy f*ckers

That's not a term any parent should call their kids.

I suggest you talk to your mother when you need something. It sounds like she isn't going through personal issues and getting upset as much.
@laurapalooza We have normal park boards, which aren't meant for streets, so skating them on street is very hard and tiring. And my mom isn't angry either, but she just goes along with whatever dad says and sometimes goes as far to scold me too whenever dad says something outrageous or that we know doesn't make any sense
@applegold Bruh just put on a backpack, and it goes under the straps, grip tape to your back, wheels out. This the way I did it 20 years ago if I had a ways to go on a bike. But I used to skate a mile or so just in my neighborhood every day to just to go hang out, that's the way I preferred to get everywhere. I only skated street though, there was only 1 park back then where I lived and it was many miles away. Plus I couldn't skate vert .. never got enough practice at it
@applegold In case you missed it. This guy is describing a way for you to carry your board on your back by using a backpack to hold it against your back. Not by putting it in the pack. My boys do this a lot too.
@applegold Can’t you just hold it under one arm if you can’t do what amplex1337 said? Shouldn’t be hard to bike one handed, just be careful on curbs
@applegold Sorry. It is a little crazy that he complains that you are lazy when you want to go to a park and skate, and it sounds like you go do stuff outside AND have strict video game limits so you are already way ahead of a lot of kids your age.

I don't know if it will work, but I wonder if you could explain to your dad (when all of you are calm) WHY you like to game for the long stretches on weekends. Honestly when my kids give me the briefest of explanations (for example if they ditch out of a battle, they have a 20 minute penalty time next login), it helps parents to understand a little about the gaming. Or maybe calmly explaining "Dad, we started skating because we know you worry about us being lazy and playing too many video games, turns out we really like it and that's why we want to go so often." Or, worst case, find a way to strap your board on you and bike to the park? (Cause being away from your dad when he gets home from work sounds like a good idea)

It might not help, your dad sounds difficult, but I do know that giving back what you are getting (yelling) won't help.
@applegold Your dad is an asshole! Remember how this makes you feel and never be like him when you grow up. Calmly talk to your mom about the situation and how you’re feeling. Make sure your dad’s not around for the conversation. She needs to step up her game.
@applegold What have you done around the house to deserve a ride? Did you clean the kitchen or a bsthroom or do some laundry?

If your parents have to take time out of their day to drive your butt to the park then the least you can do is 'make up' that missed time. Its 20 minutes there and back (stopping what you were going to do, finding keys, wallet, etc) x2...thats 40 minutes....what can you do for 40 minutes a day to make their life easier..and would then make your dad more inclined to give you a ride.

Or seriously..just bike. Its not that hard.
@julia13 You don't get to have 7 minutes of heaven dumping your load inside some chick just to make slaves for yourself. I've seen you in a couple of these threads now and god damn, I grew up depressed and suicidal half of which was due to an alcoholic and abusive father, but I'm at least glad you weren't my father cause I probably would have given in to my suicidal thoughts back then if you were. Get off of this subreddit, you give terrible advice from the old school way of thinking that caused my generations parents to be fucked in the head abusive assholes perpetuating the same cycle of negligence and emotional abuse. Children are not meant to be there to improve your life, you are to be there to improve your child's life, asshole.

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