D e p r e s s e d.


New member
I don't want to do anything, but I wanna do things. I slept all night perfectly, woke up, breakfasted, went back to sleep till 1230pm. I told the boyfriend we had to clean, the amazing man cleaned while I slept. My brother & sister in law got their own apartment down the ways which means so much more room for baby and I am not at all excited. (I probably would be if I was either not pregnant or not waiting so hard to not be pregnant). My head is pounding & I keep getting really really bad gas I think are contractions, but then i let it out and realize where the pain was from. I GUESS I'll go to in n out and over eat animal fries and animal style grilled cheese. You guys maybe I'm not going into labor on my own. Maybe this waiting is a waste of time and I'll be induced anyways. Oh no. I wanna cry.
@muilen Hugs!! Babe will come soon!! You're almost there, one way or the other! Grilled cheese sounds amazing right now... om nom nom nom
@muilen You can do it! It sucks not wanting to do anything but get the baby out when he's got a timetable of his own :(

And the gas/contraction confusion sucks pretty bad too. I've had that a lot in the last week or so.

Sending you lots of good labor vibes!