Cycle Following Plan B


New member
Alright y’all I have a question that may or may not even be able to be answered.

My last actual period started 3 weeks ago (7/23). I got to see my bf for the first time in 4 months and just out luck, the condom broke. So I took a Plan B less than 48 hours after the incident about 2.5 weeks ago (8/1). I began bleeding 5 days after taking the Plan B. It was more like a “birth control period” when it came to the type of bleeding I was doing, I have been on birth control before so I can tell a difference of bleeding when I am on and off of it! Anyway, I bled for 3 days.

I have since been able to see my bf last weekend, and no condom breaks, but there was insertion without protection for short amounts of time..

BUT my whole point of this post is to ask what I should expect the rest of this month when it comes to my cycle? I’m fairly normal when it comes to the typical amount of days my cycle lasts. Should I still count on my period coming based on my last actual period 7/23? Or should I base it off of the bleeding post Plan B (8/6)?

Or is there probably no way of telling when I’ll get my next period because ik every body is different..?

Sorry for soo much info in this post, but y’all’s experiences and inputs are appreciated :)
@kimibeeman There’s no way to predict this. Irregular bleeding (quantity, pattern, duration, etc) is common after taking plan B and there’s not a predictable pattern. It’s different for everyone.